
Finished uploading Bad Habits (completed) sorry for anyone that was still interested that it literally took me just under 2 years to finish editing. The spacing is weird but I don't really care and I'm not going to go through it and fix it because it's mainly to document the completion of the book so I can look back and compare it to my future writing because that's always an ego boost for me when I'm not feeling very good or unmotivated. 
          	Thanks to anyone who actually reads this or ever read Bad Habits back in 2017 
          	✰ Venus ✰


Finished uploading Bad Habits (completed) sorry for anyone that was still interested that it literally took me just under 2 years to finish editing. The spacing is weird but I don't really care and I'm not going to go through it and fix it because it's mainly to document the completion of the book so I can look back and compare it to my future writing because that's always an ego boost for me when I'm not feeling very good or unmotivated. 
          Thanks to anyone who actually reads this or ever read Bad Habits back in 2017 
          ✰ Venus ✰


Also I apologise for being MIA on LPR, last time I updated was December last apparently but I have like half a chapter done so when I finally get motivated to do that I will post it, sorry if anyone as been waiting for that. Also thank you for the consistency of reads on the LPR chapters, even though I've noticed that Mason's chapters get more views haha, you guys must just prefer Mason. I think I do too tbh but I still love Rose (obviously, I created her). Ok that's all :)


Hi y'all (I say as if I haven't been MIA since like December last year) I posted another chapter of Leafy Green if you wanted to check that out. It's not the best quality because I haven't written in a while and I haven't edited it yet but *shrug* its there at least.


I finally posted another chapter of LPR if you wanted to read that. It's pretty bad and not edited so point out some spelling/grammar etc. in the comments please, I'm always open to feedback or constructive criticism. 


I have another LPR chapter half finished but I don't really have any motivation to finish writing it because the scene is kinda dry and I feel like I'm forcing myself to write because I haven't for a while. Anyways, Imma just leave it unfinished for now and not post it until it is finished, because I don't want to lessen the quality of the chapter because of it. 


Calling all people that I have promised a R4R or otherwise (with the addition of constructive criticism and feedback), I have so many requests that I can not fulfil them myself, so I have recruited my dear friend @moon__bee to help, so if you see comments on your book from her instead of my profile, know that I sent her there. She is a very skilled writer and can give some good feedback also. Feel free to read her book 'Karma's A Bitch' if she comments instead of me to hold up the deal of R4R