
Hi everyone! 
          	I've already announced it on instagram, but I'm taking a short break. Not from writing, but I'm mostly gonna do a lot of "behind the scenes" work. I noticed I have a lot of ideas in my head for Darling, Just Play Along, but sometimes I get lost in them. So I'm gonna work out the timeline for the upcoming chapters, and once I feel ready, I'll go back to releasing once a week again! And when I do finish a chapter, I'll make a post on insta with my favorite lines, so make sure to follow!
          	That's it for now, hope you're all well and stay safe <3


Hi everyone! 
          I've already announced it on instagram, but I'm taking a short break. Not from writing, but I'm mostly gonna do a lot of "behind the scenes" work. I noticed I have a lot of ideas in my head for Darling, Just Play Along, but sometimes I get lost in them. So I'm gonna work out the timeline for the upcoming chapters, and once I feel ready, I'll go back to releasing once a week again! And when I do finish a chapter, I'll make a post on insta with my favorite lines, so make sure to follow!
          That's it for now, hope you're all well and stay safe <3


          So I'm gonna redo my entire wattpad page. Meaning I'll delete all my books that are up right now and make a new profile picture and background. I'll keep my name but that'll be the only thing to stay the same. The reason for this is because I'm just not at all happy with the books that I have up rn. I just read things through and cringe at the bad writing and terrible time-lines (in my fanfics). When I look at most of my work, I see the writing of a young girl who was very excited to start writing on this crazy app. And don't get me wrong, I still love writing. but I wanna start over. So if you're wondering what happened (or what's going to happen) now you know. Also I’ll be going to write in English completely, maybe in the future I’ll write in Dutch again, but not in the foreseeable future.
          Dus ik ga mijn hele page opnieuw maken. Wat inhoud dat ik al mijn boeken die nu online staan gaan verwijderen en een nieuwe profielfoto en achtergrond ga maken. Ik hou mijn naam maar dat is dus het enige wat hetzelfde blijft. De reden hiervoor is dat ik nu gewoon niet blij ben met de boeken die ik nu heb. Als ik door dingen lees cringe ik enorm om het slechte schrijven en de slechte tijdlijnen in mijn fanfics. Als ik kijk naar het meeste van m’n werk, zie ik het schrijven van een jong meisje die heel enthousiast was om te beginnen met schrijven om deze gekke app. En begrijp me niet verkeerd, ik ben dol op schrijven, maar ik wil opnieuw beginnen. Dus als je je afvraagt wat er gebeurt of gebeurd is, nu weten jullie het. Ook ga ik volledig naar Engels schrijven, misschien dat ik in de toekomst ooit nog Nederlands ga doen, maar voorlopig niet.


I had to update Chapter 3 because when I went to re-read in my phone, I noticed all the " and ' had disapeared. I make the chapters on my laptop on Google Docs and then copy them to Wattpad. So maybe something went wrong there.
          Anyways, hopefully it's all good now and hopefully you'll enjoy it!