
Hello everyone! I hope everyone is doing okay. I think most of you are aware- but I just finished publishing my last ever chapter of my last book ever. Its definitely emotional. Reading and writing has been my passion, my hobby and so much more for years and I can't even begin to thank you all for everything. For so many opportunities, so many people I've gotten to meet. 
          	And as the saying goes "all good things come to an end", writing has unfortunately come to an end for me. I will forever cherish that part but I just can't write anymore. I've tried, trust me, I have but it's physically impossible. It's a new year, a new me. I've got goals to focus on and a life to work on. I've lost myself for a while now and I really want to get myself back. I've got my own secrets, my own problems and it's something I really need to focus on. 
          	I know you guys will be upset, but I know you guys will also understand. Thank you guys, I love you all so much.
          	Im deleting wattpad by tomorrow night but if you ever need to contact me or talk to me, I will try to log in wattpad atleast once a month to check up on everything so don't hesitate to message me!
          	I'll see you all super soon hopefully, goodbye!
          	A <3


aww, i’m going to miss you sm, your books have been some of my absolute favourites so you best believe i’ll be rereading them over and over. I LOVE YOU SM!!!!!!!!


Hello everyone! I hope everyone is doing okay. I think most of you are aware- but I just finished publishing my last ever chapter of my last book ever. Its definitely emotional. Reading and writing has been my passion, my hobby and so much more for years and I can't even begin to thank you all for everything. For so many opportunities, so many people I've gotten to meet. 
          And as the saying goes "all good things come to an end", writing has unfortunately come to an end for me. I will forever cherish that part but I just can't write anymore. I've tried, trust me, I have but it's physically impossible. It's a new year, a new me. I've got goals to focus on and a life to work on. I've lost myself for a while now and I really want to get myself back. I've got my own secrets, my own problems and it's something I really need to focus on. 
          I know you guys will be upset, but I know you guys will also understand. Thank you guys, I love you all so much.
          Im deleting wattpad by tomorrow night but if you ever need to contact me or talk to me, I will try to log in wattpad atleast once a month to check up on everything so don't hesitate to message me!
          I'll see you all super soon hopefully, goodbye!
          A <3


aww, i’m going to miss you sm, your books have been some of my absolute favourites so you best believe i’ll be rereading them over and over. I LOVE YOU SM!!!!!!!!


UPDATE!!! (please don't kill me) I may or may not have forgotten to publish the chapters (I am so sorry) but as an apology, I'm publishing first 3 chapters! Enjoy!
          (I'm so sorry)
          A <3


i’m so freaking excited!!!


Alright guys, long and awaited book is coming out today! I hope you guys love this one as much as the others! 
          A <3




Alright guys, I need your opinions on this and EVERYONE BETTER ANSWER‼️‼️
          It's been a  little while since my last book and I've finished writing another book but now I'm not sure if I want to publish it because I overthink basically EVERYTHING.
          Most of you may have found me through my book 'Darling', which I must say is doing amazing currently. (Thank you so much!)
          And obviously, when a book does so good, it makes you nervous about publishing another book because you're scared if it'll do as good as the other and that's me right now.
          My new book is very 'teenage- like' (if that's even a word). Like VERY teenage like.
          What I mean is the boy actually messes up a lot (things get better) and it may make a lot of you frustrated. The boy doesn't act like one of those Mafia men or whatever. Yes, he's protective and intimidating but not to the point where its literally dark romance.
          I hate it when people hate on my characters so if you're ready for the boy to have a hundred mood swings, a book that'll make you want to throw yourself across the room because of how frustrating it is going to make you, well, let me know!
          A <3






I literally live for your wattpad story darling. literally the best thing ever but can u make like a book like something like that but with ✨ smut ✨ or make a few bonus chapters with smut  by the way I’m brown also !! (saw ur desc, lmaooaoaoaooaa)


@ameerasowhat I will definitely try lmfao but some of my other books are spicier, try it out! 


i js wanna say that i started darling like a month ago then stopped reading it then i got sad so i started reading reading it yesterday and it made me happy idk i guess your books just make me happy