
Omg Story Time!!!! 
          	A boy I met back in January was supposed to be my partner to a ball, both of us didn’t have a partner so my friend hooked us up and we danced together at the dance course. He then decided not to go to the ball (I don’t blame him honestly cause I didn’t wanna go either‍♀️) We don’t even go to the same school and we don’t have any contact. A few weeks after the ball i was on my way to school and guess who enters the train I’m on??? That’s right, the boy from the dance course. We talk for a bit before he has to get off. then we didn’t like talk again for about 6 months UNTIL the day before yesterday, I was at Starbucks and GUESS who I see there??? That’s right the same boy from the dance course. Now today was the first day of school okay, so I go to school and while I was hanging out with my friends on break time, I was just looking around casually when suddenly GUESS who my eyes land on???? EXACTLY FOLKS the same boy from the dance course At MY school!!!! And my school isn’t even that known, so what a freaking coincidence. Turns out he enrolled in my school  and with all of that, I’m gonna have to see him everyday before and after school because we take the same freaking train. It seems like fate has a plan for me, but like seriously what r the odds tho. Oh and he’s funny (which is like one of the most important personality traits I look for in a boy)
          	But like seriously is my life becoming a wattpad story or what?!!!


Omg Story Time!!!! 
          A boy I met back in January was supposed to be my partner to a ball, both of us didn’t have a partner so my friend hooked us up and we danced together at the dance course. He then decided not to go to the ball (I don’t blame him honestly cause I didn’t wanna go either‍♀️) We don’t even go to the same school and we don’t have any contact. A few weeks after the ball i was on my way to school and guess who enters the train I’m on??? That’s right, the boy from the dance course. We talk for a bit before he has to get off. then we didn’t like talk again for about 6 months UNTIL the day before yesterday, I was at Starbucks and GUESS who I see there??? That’s right the same boy from the dance course. Now today was the first day of school okay, so I go to school and while I was hanging out with my friends on break time, I was just looking around casually when suddenly GUESS who my eyes land on???? EXACTLY FOLKS the same boy from the dance course At MY school!!!! And my school isn’t even that known, so what a freaking coincidence. Turns out he enrolled in my school  and with all of that, I’m gonna have to see him everyday before and after school because we take the same freaking train. It seems like fate has a plan for me, but like seriously what r the odds tho. Oh and he’s funny (which is like one of the most important personality traits I look for in a boy)
          But like seriously is my life becoming a wattpad story or what?!!!