
Currently crying my eyes out because I found a picture of Oliver Phelps and Katy Humpage. THEY WERE HOLDING HANDS and I started crying because 1. He's my childhood crush. 2 WERE PERFECT FOR EACHOTHER 3. I don't know if they're dating, and since when but my heart aches so goodnight!


Currently crying my eyes out because I found a picture of Oliver Phelps and Katy Humpage. THEY WERE HOLDING HANDS and I started crying because 1. He's my childhood crush. 2 WERE PERFECT FOR EACHOTHER 3. I don't know if they're dating, and since when but my heart aches so goodnight!


Twilight's best selling book is approximately as much as Harry Potter's LEAST selling book was. That's pretty sad. Edward doesn't do anything! He's just a "cute" vampire whereas Harry saved THE ENTIRE FLIPPING WIZARDING WORLD. Bella has no heart, except when Edward left her. Like even Ginny understood and Harry was risking his life! And btw Ron is bae a'f.