
More shiz bout me time!!!
          	Fandom I like(all of them)
          	•garten of banban
          	•bendy and the ink machine 
          	•undetale(sans au)
          	•poppy playtime 
          	•project playtime 
          	•among us
          	•bendy and the dark revile
          	•dream/weird/traumacore/liminal spaces/backrooms 
          	•sanrio(hell on kitty)
          	•kintio pet
          	•rainbow friends 
          	And I do art mostly of oc and game characters ^^


And I have a good guess for who took the players kids in garten of banban, it's the work dude. Zophuas I think their name is, they were present in the 2 chapter and 3 and all they say is"In sorry" so I'm 99% sure they took the kids.


@blue_fox167 tbh I'm on you there- it's not necessarily the best designed game or anything but I like the lore that is shown, and I forgot the last fandom I like- Amanda the adventurer, I have my own theory for it and I might possibly make a story about it.


@blue_fox167  yeah poppy playtime 
          	  Btw I didn't think there was anyone who unironically liked garten of bannban (for me it's a terribly kitschy and poorly made game, but that's just my opinion)


More shiz bout me time!!!
          Fandom I like(all of them)
          •garten of banban
          •bendy and the ink machine 
          •undetale(sans au)
          •poppy playtime 
          •project playtime 
          •among us
          •bendy and the dark revile
          •dream/weird/traumacore/liminal spaces/backrooms 
          •sanrio(hell on kitty)
          •kintio pet
          •rainbow friends 
          And I do art mostly of oc and game characters ^^


And I have a good guess for who took the players kids in garten of banban, it's the work dude. Zophuas I think their name is, they were present in the 2 chapter and 3 and all they say is"In sorry" so I'm 99% sure they took the kids.


@blue_fox167 tbh I'm on you there- it's not necessarily the best designed game or anything but I like the lore that is shown, and I forgot the last fandom I like- Amanda the adventurer, I have my own theory for it and I might possibly make a story about it.


@blue_fox167  yeah poppy playtime 
            Btw I didn't think there was anyone who unironically liked garten of bannban (for me it's a terribly kitschy and poorly made game, but that's just my opinion)


Y'all I have a question-
          So we know from the game in indigo park that Selma is a"bad guy" but what if she wasn't a bad guy- I mean she is one of the 3 masscots that haven't attacked us yet so I'm thinking that she maybe is going to be a helper, like Poppy.


Schools done!! This might be exciting and good for some of y'all but even though I hate school I miss my friends. And with me being mentally unstable and having nobody to talk to at the moment I don't think it's going to end good, and I'm not sure if they come on here anymore but one of my friends I have a hug. And I don't know but I got emotional and that's the thing I get worked up on, I don't think I wanna continue living this life. It's hurting me in every way, I lost my parents, my friends, family, and myself. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to keep moving. New part should be done soon btw.


@blue_fox167 Sorry for the late reply, I didn’t see this, but I’m sure we could find something! Maybe you could come over here? I’m not really doing much, and I don’t think I have any crazy things to do for a while. It would be nice to visit you again!!


@blue_fox167 I guess so, I just don't think I'll be the same. And I would love for you to stay over but my grandparents aren't the nicest people and everything. It took me forever to ask about letting problems-love-me come over. I just don't know. I'll have to ask but it's a good chance they will say no as because my sister is back with us from college and she is getting spoiled. She always needs a say in whatever I'm doing and I'm f*cking tired of it.


@blue_fox167 im glad someone feels the same <3 its ok. Im sad about the summer too, and ill be able to helpmi hope. Everything will be ok. If you dont think of it, summer will fly by!


Lol my sans phase came out and I started saying random ship names like error ink, killermare, cream,  horrordust etc. and I got curious, do y'all have the same ships as me?
          Me ships:
          Errorink   (error x ink)
          Killermare    (killer x nightmare)
          Cream   ( dream x cross)
          Horrordust   (horror x dust)
          Bluelust   (blueberry x lust)


Heads up my new book might be a indigo park one but I don't know anything about the fandom so I have to watch a video explaining the game. It's sound though from what I'm hearing! It's mostly likely going to be my sonic book though as I've been waiting to publish it at the right time. 


@blue_fox167 just watched an indigo park explanation thingy! I think the game so far is really good but I kinda wished there were some more characters, as from what I know there is ramble, Lloyd, micaw, selem, that water guy and i think that's it. Also please forgive me if I spelled those names wrong- and tbh I know that ramble hates Lloyd but I don't know, I'm getting"enemies to lovers" vibes but I'm not shipping stuff till at least more info gets out(more chapters)


Might make a dreamcore/weirdcore type of book, I love those things along with traumacore. Or just liminal spaces(don't know? Search it up) as I find those comforting.  Also happy*early* memorial day, I won't be celebrating this holiday for reasons but I hope you guys do.


Y'all as much as I love poppy playtime I think Imma discontinue it soon, so imma stop the requests so I can write them all then stop the book. Then I publish my next book(btw there is no requests in this one) so yeah, also my knees,leg,elbow and hands got better. Still very sore though 


@blue_fox167 thank you and this book is good


@blue_fox167  ye, I'm still doing it. I'm not doing any new ones though.  I only have about 4 or more to do so your part should come out soon.


@blue_fox167 not to be mean but will you still be able to do my request 
            P.s I sorry if this sounds rude