
i liked to believe i've been really patient and understanding but some of you are taking more than inspo. i just saw one of my mutuals write the almost same parts from c19?? i wasted months writing that chapter, and i know i am not being delulu when similarities are so much. this is so disrespectful to me and all my efforts. i study and work at the same time, and due to all that stress and so little time, i am trying to do something i love in a platform that is supposed to be a safe place for me but this plagiarism issue is giving me more stress. if you see me delete all my works one day, do not be surprised. i am getting really tired of dealing with this.


god i hate this for you!!! do not let this get you down, it on them for copying. 


Sending you all my love babes <3 no one deserves to be plagiarised, especially when you’re such an eloquent and gifted writer as you are. They’re just jealous of you babes


People like this are so annoying. You are one of the 3 people I know who do originals plots. I hope that you still stay on wattpad tho. 


@bloodygirlhood - Hello, how have you been?  I just wanted to tell you that I love your story "TRUE DISASTER", I've tried to read others too, about Aegon, but I haven't been able to connect like I did with yours, I know you've been having problems with the story and obviously you have a life of your own, but I really hope you can continue with the story, with all your stories, because you write fantastic.  I hope you are well