
;  billy loomis is beautiful like your anon -


@kinglokilaufeyson-   *
                 :   oh goodness -   thank you  .  i just thought billy would fit  ,  i'm so glad someone agrees about his beauty  .
जवाब दें


" you're an interesting human being. . . "


▶ | @bloodiedhandss
            " oh, well i'm glad i made your day. i try my best to make others happy. "
जवाब दें


                    "   it's only proper for me to say something in order to flatter you in someway  .  and as bad as that sounds  ,  i actually mean those words  .  you made my day with your unoopular opinion  .  "  
जवाब दें


▶ | @bloodiedhands
            " well, i'm flattered to hear you say that. i wouldn't think i would have that kind of impact on someone. "
जवाब दें


i can’t believe i used to trust you .  


i can’t control myself either .  nobody here can .  you’re not special .  * he spit his words like venom ,  anger slowly making its way into his gaze *  i understand you just fine .  you’re part of my imagination ,  nothing more . 
जवाब दें


@clearlymad  *
                       i can't help it  .   .  i'm not sorry because i just can't change the way i am  .  *  admitted the hatter  ,   his voice opposite to the other's  -   his got deeper whilst he spoke  *   maybe i wish i could  -    you just don't understand  .  . 
जवाब दें


because of / you / .  * alastair’s voice raised ever so slightly ,  his nose scrunching subtly in disgust *  i lost it because of you .  i used to enjoy you ,  hatter .  i loved being around you .  and then i found out how you really saw me. . . 
जवाब दें