
Just a heads up: updates on 'Safe Place' and 'Back To You' might be slowing down for the next few days as I'm on a weekend trip and can't promise on how good the internet is and how much time I'll have during the trip. I hope you understand! Love you guys!


@ TheMoonsSoulmate  Danke! Ja also Sonny's Chapter habe ich so gut wie fertig, aber bei Rye brauche ich noch ein bisschen...


@blocksberg7777 No problem. Wir sind alle geduldige Menschen (hoffe ich zumindest) :D


•There's no turning back after you start reading this. Trust me, This will put a smile on your face. Every night someone thinks about you. At least 15 people in this world love you. The only reason someone would hate you was because they wanted to be you. There are two types of people in this world, that are which for you, and that are against you.•
                    [You mean the world to someone. someone you don't even know loves you. Anytime you make a mistake, good comes out of it. Whenever you think the world has turned against you, turn around. Remember the compliments someone has given you and not the rude things.]
                    ☺So if you're a loving friend, send this to 15 people, (including the one who sent you it :D) Something good will happen between noon and 4 pm tomorrow, it could be anywhere. Get ready for the biggest shock of your life. Send this to 15 people, make someone's day! help someone out! Remember that you are loved. ☺
                    F-ight for you 
                    R-espect you
                    E-ncourage you
                    N-eed you
                    D-eserve you
                    S-ave you
                    {If you get 4 back your liked, of you get 7 back your loved, and if you get 15 back your amazing!}


@ amazinggeniusgracy  ❤


Thanks for the follow back! I'm loving your fanfiction Broken xx


@ stardustvirgo  dein deutsch ist super!!! Ja das ist auch mein Problem, ich bin sehr zwischen Sonny und Rye hin und hergerissen.... und Brook macht mir mein Leben im Moment auch schwer... I switch lanes so often with those 3...


@blocksberg7777 ich liebe sie! Ich war eine "Rye's girl" aber jetzt bin ich eine "Sonny's girl", also möchte ich gerne wissen, was passieren wird! (Hope my German is okay, sorry if I made any mistakes!)


Just a heads up: updates on 'Safe Place' and 'Back To You' might be slowing down for the next few days as I'm on a weekend trip and can't promise on how good the internet is and how much time I'll have during the trip. I hope you understand! Love you guys!


@ TheMoonsSoulmate  Danke! Ja also Sonny's Chapter habe ich so gut wie fertig, aber bei Rye brauche ich noch ein bisschen...


@blocksberg7777 No problem. Wir sind alle geduldige Menschen (hoffe ich zumindest) :D