
Hi friends! Sorry I have like totally abandoned this platform. I’ve been posting my stories on tumblr; the link is in my bio! 


I just finished up at my day job today! Now I have a week off until I start university! I’m going to spend so much time writing, I’ve got 4 chapters fully drafted of the sequel to White T-Shirt. I want a handful more done before I post chapter 1, but I hope you’re excited! The sequel is even longer than the first, and it is going to be a rollercoaster. 


So I think after being out as nonbinary for 5 years I might actually change my name? I went by Kai when I was first out, back in 2013-2014, and I think I want to go by Kai again? So like... hi everyone haha.


@blingbling-is-kai @TheFiveSeasons smh y’all are in the new year already and i’m still stuck in this damn year of misery for another seven hours :D haha it’ll be here soon enough 


this message may be offensive
Today is so fucking awful. I’ve cried more tears in the last 18 hours than I have in months. I’d give anything for Jjong to have known how much he was loved, and I’d give anything for him to have been able to get the help he needed. I’m so fucking sad. I feel sick. I spent an hour and a half at the gym, an hour at the pool, and I’m still so lost. I barely stomached lunch, and I threw up after the gym because I pushed myself so hard. I’m lost.


smh that melbourne weather is more temperamental than my mood swings XD but thank you !! i want to fcking scream my lungs out and run 3 km and collapse for a two day nap, that might just be the caffeine and empty stomach talking but i’m hecking ecstatic >:) i brought my marks up too thank god


Melbourne weather is honestly cooked, we get 4 seasons in a day almost every day. Ahhh I’m so happy to hear! You should have something to eat though, even if it’s just something little! You gotta line your stomach with something! 