
Hi!! Im a bit of a newer author here on Wattpad. Do you mind reading some of my work and giving me feedback. Also, how you made such an amazing cover for Blue Skies TASM? Bc I suck at making stuff like that. (You don’t have to read my stories bc most are still in progress I would just like some feedback)


@authorgirlrando you're the sweetest, thank you so so much! 


Thank you for your feedback! I really appreciate it and you’re such an amazing writer I had to reach out! 


@authorgirlrando for starters, thank you for the message! i don't think i'm anywhere close to the best person to offer feedback, but for the covers, i use an app called 'Picsart' for the actual cover, editing, filters, etc. and for all the titles or lettering i guess you could say, i use an app called 'Canva'. i haven't used anything else or tried anything different because once you get the hang of both apps it's super useful! both apps there are premium versions, but i don't use them and i've never felt i've needed them. thanks again for your interest! 


Hey, Cj! Hope you’re doing good. I recently started translating stories from English to my native language (brazilian portuguese) and i’d like to know if you’d be willing to give me permission to translate your TASM stories, with all the credits given to you of course!! 


@blahhberri i totally understand! thank you for being so nice!!


@nalufkcingrockwell hi! sorry it took me so long to reply, but i was thinking over your question and then i forgot about your message *smh* anyways, i think it's a cool idea but if you do still want to translate them, i would like all my characters to have their original face claims! thank you for expressing an interest in my books! 


also, do you mind if i change the face claim?


  i have a tiny update for WFOD so you kinda know where i'm at right now
            so there's ten chapters in act two and i've currently written and have completed the VERY EARLY stages of the first seven
            i already know it's gonna take me a hot second to actually figure out my act two plot for sure, but it's definitely coming along! (i basically just have to write out all my ideas first and see what actually works (obviously)) but once i get everything written, the whole rewriting and editing process will hopefully go by quicker 
            thanks for your patience, and i hope to have new chapters soon!! 
          <3 —Cj 


  is there some sort of word cap i'm missing on my stories description pages?? i've tried to add a disclaimer at the bottom of WFOD saying i don't own the hunger games because in the highly likely chance (in my overthinking mind) that i'll be sued, i want it to say i know i don't own it! and i've been doing it for thirty minutes straight!! 
            well, i don't own the hunger games in case you were wondering. . . 
            just a rant and i'm going to bed. it's too late for this stuff <3


happy new year everyone! 
          there's a lot going on with basically all of my books rn, so if you catch me in the middle of redoing a bunch of stuff throughout the next hour or so, i apologize. here's a short little rundown of what's going on... 
          WORLD FULL OF DARKNESS is getting refreshed and completely rewritten so that's starting now!! 
          FOUL PLAY and THICK AS THIEVES, are both being taken down 
          and BLUE SKIES, GRAY CLOUDS and AFTERGLOW are all getting updated covers! 
          thanks so much for your patience and support!     
          <3 —Cj 


hello, friends! 
          after a lot of thought, i’ve decided to put my Outer Banks fic, Foul Play, on hold for the time being. i’m having a really hard time finding the flow that i normally get into so easily and i only want to put out the very best i can do, and the first few chapters that are published are definitely not my very best 
          maybe in a few months i’ll be able to pick it up again and hopefully i’ll be able to do a good job then, but until i do, i’ll leave the existing chapters up. albeit i’ll probably rewrite them
          thank you all so much for putting up with my dumbassery for the past few months, i really appreciate you all! 


I am not your friend.