
Hello @blackheart409
          Just call me Nipan    (^v^)
          And i hope you like my story 
          If you like it
          Give me a vote
          And a good comment 
                               (¬ᴗ¬)           (*´∀`*)
          Thank you (ᵔᴥᵔ)


 Thank you (〃ω〃)


Thanks for your comment. Well this few days i am having an breakdown. My crush well he was saying about me. So i grab my bottle and slap it on his head. Then he cried. After that i borrowed my friends book and read it with my friend. Then i felt that someone was throwing a plastic botol. I thought that it must be my friend doing botol flip. After that i felt another hit. I cant take it any more then i cried. It turns out my friend at the back did a botol flip but accidently flip it hard and hit me. Then next to her was a boy. He took that botol and also flip it hard and hit me. I was stupid to think it was him. Then i am going to school soon. I dont know what to do and say. Can you give me some advise?


@queenbloom134 well ok her some talk to the girl and boy sepreat  ask why they hit you the bottle  more then one?  2 idea, talk to some one who you truest then esplanade the incident to them. 3 idea get a notebook and write down the pain you fell then hand it to the people who hit you with the bottol. 4 idea see a  consler , i hope i help you


Look, I dont know what your problem is my with sister's story but that doesn't give you the right to call her art cheap and insult her.
          you're 22 for gods sake, She's only ten!
          you should know better than insult her like that,
          she is already suffering from a low self esteem and your putting her down even more!
          If you didn't like the story and think her art is "trashy" Then don't read it, don't comment, and especially, Don't insult her because she is improving!
          Also don't get me started with her being too young to be in wattpad, That's why im here, We technically both own the account so i can watch over what she reads and what she does!
          P.s - I'm only doing this to protect my sister and make you realize what you have done is very offensive, She did nothing wrong to you!
          - Editor~Chan, Her sister


@SunnyDay_1123 ok i'll see what i can i do


And please refrain from calling anyone's art "Cheap" or "Trashy" Or anything very mean and insulting. Everyone can improve and comments like that may lessen their self esteem and confidence, and is undeniably a form of bullying.
            Hope you consider my advice , Only wishing for the world to stop with bullying.


Oh, Sorry
            I may have over reacted, I am very protective of my little sister and I can't really control my anger. Forgive me>
            But may I suggest changing the reading list's name, Like "Read Books" or "Finished Reading" or something along the lines? People may take it the wrong way, and may be offended.
            Also her story is the Ice Bear X Reader one, The one entitled "Forever Mine"
            Thank you for your time, And I apologize for my accusations and my sudden aggressive approach.
            - Editor~Chan


Uh... Thanks for reading my book. What do you think of it, uh, so far? 


@jayemerald eyeballs are views and stars are votes/likes


@jayemerald  ok the image is nice , story i think it need a bit more of a romances between nick and his other person he is seen. or some thing that home with people like nick find his lover being spin in a very busy part of town like a mall. or nick slowly walk to his lover and all of sudden one of them get hit by  a car with a 5% survive rate that will be more rating and view witch i am having a trouble understanding that like what the stars mean and  the eye ball what does it mean?


Hey thanks for your feedback on my stories. I would really appreciate any tips you have to make them more enjoyable.


@TheaKatelynnHarman um how about something with trix or with LGBT  and try reading some from  try to go bolder in writing like what i do try something different from kids to after hour reading in the room. if need more help let me know will to help others