
Hey guys ...I was thinking of writing pride and prejudice and wuthering heights from pegasus edition what do you think 


Thanks for the follow, I just followed you back. It would mean a lot if you checked out my Paradise series. Book 1 is Paradise, book 2 is Love in the Real World and book 3 is A Portal in Time. All books are fantasy romance but book 2 and 3 have  some mystery and adventure within it.  If you don't read them in order, you won't be completely lost. I also have a novella that is a fantasy, teen fiction and LGBTQ, a new chapter of it is posted every Friday and a romance/teen fiction book coming out tomorrow. Thanks, have a great day/night:)


          Aimes tu vraiment ecrire ? Si oui, alors tu devrais laissé le destin et ton talent te donner des vues et des abonnés par mérite et non par simple cliq. Ce n'est que mon avis, mais je ne pense pas qu'il soit totalement faux.
          Il n'y a que les trichers, qui gagnent et perdent à la fois...