
im back


I'm a belieber as u can tell from my profile. DONT JUDGE ME!
          I love music mainly pop,r and b, and a little rap (not that much) 
          I am a weird,crazy,mental person. I am NOT normal, I think differently to other people and fan girl over the tiniest things. 
          I can get away with things easily every time I find myself in trouble!
          Yh u can say I like to read. I like crime/thriller....JASON MCCAN IS MY SOUL MATE
          I LOVE CRIME AND CRIMINALS (especially Jason) 
          Hmmmm....wht else? 
          I get bored very easily so if I actually listen to wht ur saying then I'm interested and ur not a boring person; but if u r, tough luck!
          I love to sing my head off! (Even though I sound like a dying walrus) 
          If u knw me very we'll u would know tht! 
          And yh thts pretty much wht u need to know abt me. Oh and I also like living my life. 
          I ain't one of those girly brats who are always and also shopping. I like to try new things and maybe like doing half of the stuff u hate doing. I get happy easily; the tiniest things can make me happy, or angry. For e.g if u make fun of Justin I would get mad easily and especially if ur doing it to piss me off. I am not really a serious person but TRUST ME u would not like to see my reaction when I hear u say something bad  abt him.
          I get excited quickly over tiniest things (I'm sure I mentioned that).
          And I think that is actually it! Pretty much wht u need to knw abt me. 
          Xxxxxx...(eww, cheesy)


i.e. A brick


@bieberjiebers sooooooo true, you do indeed sound like a dying walrus and i often wish to acquaint a fundamental item used to build a house with your tomato face.