
Without a doubt you are the best author I have seen in a long time. Even though you've only written a few chapters of your firts book, you have already amazed me with your incredible wroting style. In a time where most "authors" bank on the fame of [insert hot actor/artist] to make their shitty fanfics rise in popularity you have managed to retain the interest of the guy with the most hyperactive ADD so that he could remain seated and read the chapters. 
          Your world building is fantastic, as I read the first few chapters of "Hunt for Humanity" I could almost smell the seabreeze of Santa Barbara's (I think thats what its called). On top of that, the way you introduced your characters has me relating to letters on a book like Wattpad has never seen before.
          In summary, I'm a huge fan, and I hope to see you write a lot more of these masterfully written stories. 


you just made my entire year ❤️ thank you so so so much for this!! 