
Hey there friends... *grins* So good to see that at last I have 100 followers of my own and that too after 2 years long.. I know that's not a big achievement but damn I can atleast count on you guys whenever I need support *blows a kiss* 
          	Btw I m so overwhelmed to see my email box which is actually filled with all the comments and msgs from ya all. Will reply you soon. Don't worry, I m not at all in a thousand years will ignore you :v
          	And one more thing.. Just ping me please to make me read your works too..  I have really missed reading good books in here as I was busy with my so called real life. Other than that I was doing nothing but reading/watching animes *grimaces* 
          	Okay!!!! End of my lecture.. heehehee


pooojaaaa! how are you girl? longgg time :)


@Razzzzzia haha animation is an exciting field! I hear they pay loads for it :) whatever it is all the very best. choose wisely and soon :)) I'm completing masters so will probably land in jobs :) Let's see


@Razzzzzia Same here. Just a semester . Didn't remember it earlier what was it Well, I dropped CA so I think I'm gonna be somewhere in animation stuffs. I just really don't know what'll be my future and I'm not yet sure if I'll be doing that animation too. I'm a dumb lil mouse. Wow! Sh!t thoughts again.. Acha, mera chodh, tu bata?


@Razzzzzia Aww this year was awesome the first few months but the last few months have been really bad. too many disappointments. but made a lot of memories :) I have one more semester and then I'll be done with college! All the very best for your exams. what plans after that?


Hey poooh! Thanks a lot for following ^.^


@beyondlimit *hugs you to death* X'D


@Confused_Cherub Friends don't thank each other... They hug and choke each others to death... lmao *hugs you*


HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you, my dear friend! :)))
          May you have a fun-filled day and a year of happiness!
           I  I I  I  I
          I               I
          I               I
          Make a wish & blow out the candles. :)
                                      O I O
                                    OI  OI O
                                     I  OI  OI
                                         I O I
          Use these balloons to soar to new heights! :))) 
          Your teenage years might be over but your life has just begun!
          Enjoy! :D


@openadoor34 Thank you soo much for the wishes, Karen! So good to know that you wished me in a such great way..
            And yeah.. you're right! Teenage is surely over but here I'll be seeing more of all the beautiful things ahead.. Thanks a lot!!! *huggles you*


Hey there friends... *grins* So good to see that at last I have 100 followers of my own and that too after 2 years long.. I know that's not a big achievement but damn I can atleast count on you guys whenever I need support *blows a kiss* 
          Btw I m so overwhelmed to see my email box which is actually filled with all the comments and msgs from ya all. Will reply you soon. Don't worry, I m not at all in a thousand years will ignore you :v
          And one more thing.. Just ping me please to make me read your works too..  I have really missed reading good books in here as I was busy with my so called real life. Other than that I was doing nothing but reading/watching animes *grimaces* 
          Okay!!!! End of my lecture.. heehehee