
Hii! Zaczynam właśnie pisać i publikować moja pierwsza powieść. Wpadłxbyś może? Zobaczyć, przeczytać, ocenić i zostawić po sobie ślad? "Opowieść sześciu dusz" to historia gdzie każdy znajdzie kogoś podobnego do siebie, gwarantuje. <33


Hi there! I hope you’d like to give my first book called “I’ll be your star” a chance? If you like it or have some ideas for the book, don’t be shy to tell me! Leave some comments and vote too! I’d be so appreciated and thank you <333


          Can you pls make some time and give my recently published story 'Insatiable' a chance? 
          It's about the how the mysterious and a bad boy Rockstar and a sassy good girl Raven. Living with them in their journey of how they become lovers from haters while overcoming their pasts and living their future together! 
          It's my first story but I promise it gets better with each ch!!! 
          If you like poetry, pls give my poems book 'Sensitive as Raindrops' a chance too... 
          I hope you enjoy reading it and don't hesitate to give me ur opinion about it! 
             Have a nice day !!! ❤   ⭐