
Hi guys, I’ve been very absent on here for a while and I usually come on every few months, read a bit and write a bit and get back to everyone’s messages all in one go. I’ve left it a bit longer this time so apologies, I have not stopped writing chapters for “The Adventures of Brook Song”, I still have loads of ideas. I’m just very busy at the moment. I also apologise to those who have asked me to read their books, I will when I can! 
          	Just a reminder that I have stopped writing the EastEnders fan-fiction and I have done for 5 years now, and I won’t be writing any more for it as I don’t watch EastEnders any more. 


Than let us story


Hi guys, I’ve been very absent on here for a while and I usually come on every few months, read a bit and write a bit and get back to everyone’s messages all in one go. I’ve left it a bit longer this time so apologies, I have not stopped writing chapters for “The Adventures of Brook Song”, I still have loads of ideas. I’m just very busy at the moment. I also apologise to those who have asked me to read their books, I will when I can! 
          Just a reminder that I have stopped writing the EastEnders fan-fiction and I have done for 5 years now, and I won’t be writing any more for it as I don’t watch EastEnders any more. 


Than let us story