
It's honestly fascinating, how people are so kind and soft-hearted despite what they show. You're surrounded by a crowd of people who might even be going through the worst of worst, things beyond the scope of your imagination, death of a child, grief,  breakup, disease, or the struggle to just get out of bed, I think it's beautiful how you can help someone with the smallest and tiniest amount of kindness. I still remember the shittiest of days, brightened by a stranger being kind, or even just smiling. (P.S Idk why I'm saying this stuff but It's on my mind and I need it out.)


It's honestly fascinating, how people are so kind and soft-hearted despite what they show. You're surrounded by a crowd of people who might even be going through the worst of worst, things beyond the scope of your imagination, death of a child, grief,  breakup, disease, or the struggle to just get out of bed, I think it's beautiful how you can help someone with the smallest and tiniest amount of kindness. I still remember the shittiest of days, brightened by a stranger being kind, or even just smiling. (P.S Idk why I'm saying this stuff but It's on my mind and I need it out.)


Is there anything I could read? gIVE me the recommendation


@bellafields000 glad I could help ;)


@rikivatelli tysm, that is lot of effort. I'll make sure to
             check them out


@bellafields000  oh well if you like romance/comedy I recommend any book from @istolethecookiez , if you want to read thriller Truth or Death from @rebbeca-jade is really good and if you like werewolfs and things like the The Missing Link from @arianna_1204 is great. If not you can check out my reading lists, i have a bunch of books of different genres (:


You're the best!!!! I love you baby 


@ bellafields000  what would I do without you!!!!!! 


@Littlepinkbeast Your making so much progress in your book. I'm so proud, Congratulations!❤