
/ update: i need to be sedated again


// it was true, she needed to be sedated


/ bc i had to be sedated 


/ but i should have updated yesterday i just forgot


is this a ‘you just wanted to come see me’ visit or is this a ‘master cooper was in a mood again so you wanted to escape’ visit? either way it’s great to see you, anakin. 


is there ever a time where she *isn’t* in need of a meditative retreat? and i did notice you were by yourself. i was a little surprised, but it makes sense. you’ll have to tell her i say hello when you see her. and tell her thank you for the juice box. 


it’s a bit of both. master cooper is in /dire/ need of a meditative retreat and i’m taking mine here. no ahsoka this time, though, she’s been sent on another mission. but she sends her hellos. and the— box of juice on the table.
            ☾ ┆@cursedwithrage 


I'm just not getting it ! why am i doing this again ? 


@befallenfaith ,, the young padawan smiled warmly at her master. "Thank master skywalker, I appreciate it." she looked kinda shocked but teasingly grinned. "Master skywalker is giving his padwans breaks now. Well, isn't this a surprise." 


a subtle smile fell upon his face. one of those rare moments of sprinkled happiness. of relief. of pride. “i knew you could make it. good job.” his words lingered in the air, as though he wanted to say more. “these forms do need to be practiced often. but i won’t make you suffer it more than you have today. you’re free for the evening.”
            ☾ ┆@saberedtruth


@befallenfaith ,, the padawan sighed, closing her eyes. She held her lightsaber and tried to focus. listening to the robots. finally, after what felt like hours, she was able to hit the droids with their own blaster shots. her green eyes open, and she nearly cheered. "Finally !" She said she was able to deflect the blasters and effectively use her saber.


what have i told you about following orders, anakin?! 
          // they will never escape their vicious cycle LMAO


your way is going to end up getting us in trouble! at least when we follow my plans there’s no chance in us committing a war crime and we certainly cannot say that about your plans!
            // ahsoka and obi-wan never get a moment’s peace with these two LMAO


really?! i can barely hear you over all this roger-rogering mania, so it can’t be a very good lecture. and you KNOW we got things done a lot quicker my way!
            ☾ ┆@-lostallfaith 


/ never beating the dumbassery allegations fr


i am so sorry, i wasn’t paying attention to where i was going! are you alright, anakin?


“it’s not my fault i was made to be this short. if i had a say in it, i’d be taller,” vis sighed, tilting her head upwards slightly to look at him. “the council has kept me quite busy recently. but that’s what i was made for, so i can’t exactly complain, now can i?” she gave him a small smile before asking, “how have you been? you’ve seemed quite busy as well.”


“it’s not making fun of it, vis. i’m just pointing out,” anakin replied innocently, corners of his lips tugging upwards as he lifted his chin up. “have you? maybe you’ve been doing too much. i always see you going all around.” not that he had much say in it, no surprise there, but he had a strong suspicion the council would not understand the concept of slowing down. especially if it came to her.
            ☾ ┆@-bornyesterday 


“now, there was no need to make fun of my height, anakin,” vis replied, playfully crossing her arms over her chest for a moment before letting them fall back down to her sides. “oh, yes, i’m fine. i’ve just been in quite a daze recently. i’m not entirely sure why.”


hold on, anakin, backtrack a little bit. you got this from *where*?
          // i have no clue what this is


“oh, i’m sure he’d love to know that,” jane laughed, shaking her head fondly, “i assume it was just the two of you, simply because i haven’t seen any angry jedi masters storm through here yet.” her eyes went down to the crystal in her hands, her thumb running over it gently. “thank you, anakin. it’s beautiful. i’ll have to find something to do with it… maybe i’ll get a necklace made.”


“considering it /was/ his fault we ended up there, obviously he’s very annoyed. age is catching up to him.” anakin rolled his eyes, with a trace of fondness beneath the surface. “it’s not magical, if that’s what you’re asking me. but it’s rare enough. they use it for their fancy jewellery.”
            ☾ ┆@mightystargirl 


“how annoyed is obi-wan at the moment after your little not interesting adventure?” she chuckled as well, knowing how the pair could get sometimes. “what kind of crystal is this, exactly? it’s not something too important, is it?”
            // he constantly has her on her toes LMAO


any time without you is far too long . it felt like that meeting lasted forever !


it was padmé's job to come to a conclusion without violence , to stop the war before it can truly begin . the only problem was that her voice was becoming useless because nobody wanted to negotiate , they wanted to fight . padmé was a fighter , she was one of the symbols of hope and so there was no giving up . there was only fighting to the end , just without the violence ... or so she hoped . her heart rate sped up as anakin spoke , the smile on her face starting to hurt her cheeks from how big it was . she held his hand and followed him out the door , letting out a relaxing sigh once the fresh air of the outdoors hit her . the thought of tomorrow nearly exiting her thoughts completely . " you were right , the sky is clear . it's beautiful . " she spoke with a soft smile , feeling as if she could finally be in the moment with no worries .
            | @befallenfaith |


the raging war was enough to get to the average person, let alone one who found themselves in the frontlines, leading armies, pledging blind faith to the republic in doing so. so-called peacekeepers were now soldiers in the army. time passed and anakin felt its toll on him. in the quiet corners of his mind. constant conflict within himself until he held his beloved in his arms. he was back at the lake on naboo, when there was nothing but the two of them, and finally… silence. nothing but love to give her. “and you’re beautiful, padmé naberrie.” in turn, he kissed her knuckles, before grabbing her hand, leading them out the door. “come along, it’ll do us both good, being outside of offices.” his tone had gone back to playful, as though they were sneaking around. in another life, they might’ve been two teenagers sneaking about in school to steal a kiss, but for now, he was only grateful for the life he could share with her.
            ☾ ┆@senatorsfate 


padmé adored her work and she felt so strongly about it . there was nothing she would rather do than be a senator , but there was nothing that meant more to her than anakin . duty came first , but he was always less than a step behind that . her love for her husband and the love he had for her was what got her through the worst times , through the times where they had to be apart . ignoring the way her cheeks heated up at his words , her smile widened and she gently shook her head . " you are something else , anakin skywalker . " she grinned , leaning forward to press a soft kiss to his cheek . " i haven't had much of a chance to get out lately , so i think that's a wonderful idea . "
            | @befallenfaith |


/ update: i need to be sedated again


// it was true, she needed to be sedated


/ bc i had to be sedated 


/ but i should have updated yesterday i just forgot


you said that way too quickly for me to understand and that makes me think you did something you weren’t supposed to
          // i love how this is just their normal interactions at this point LMAO


“those certain circumstances must be very rare because i don’t think i’ve *ever* seen you fix a ship,” she sighed softly, running a hand over her face as she shook her head. “you’re never going to admit fault, are you, anakin? i almost think it’s impossible for you to at this point.” it was obvious kara had grown quite tired of having the same conversation over and over about anakin crashing planes. next time she would let obi-wan have this conversation, that’s for sure. 
            // LMAO at this point i feel like they just rock paper scissors to see who has to have this conversation with anakin


“it was /one/ time. why would i have her fix ‘em all? it’s entertaining to fix them… in certain circumstances.” when the environment was not inhospitable, to be precise. in his free time, he enjoyed messing about (and in given time, fixing) the ships. “and a ship can /certainly/ contribute in crashing itself if its engines are fried. sometimes the pilot’s ability is irrelevant… even if he’s a very, very skilled one.”
            / yes but he causes a lot of them too so in my opinion, get rekt :D
            ☾ ┆@-lostallfaith 


was it *actually* only one time though? or is this another example of when you say something has happened once but in reality it’s happened plenty of times? 
            and i’m sure you *do* know, you just don’t want to say. anakin, you have to quit blaming other people and things for things that *you* do. a ship can’t stop itself from crashing, only the pilot can do that. 
            // do you think obi-wan gets tired of listening to conversations like these? because i know these conversations have to happen often LMAO




/ nOOOOoooooOooO
            ☾ ┆@-lostallfaith 


// i’m laughing so hard at this


/ tears were shed 


The Dathomirian Witch raised an eyebrow for a moment as she looked to the stranger ahead of her. She had been surprised that the man before her was even walking alone through these parts where she had been in hiding. She slowly appeared before him from the place she had been hidden behind, materializing before him. “You’re a long way from home, Jedi…I’m surprised anyone from these parts would dare venture out here..” her hands were held in a defensive position as they glowed with a green mist. 


            Selena raised an eyebrow to the Jedi for a moment as she shook her head for a moment. She slowly pulled her hands back as the green mist disappeared from her hands. She took a deep breath before she looked to the Jedi with a raised eyebrow under her hood. “I highly doubt, Mother Talzin would want to know whether or not I’m still alive…” she realized that she showed a vulnerability before she cleared her throat. Mother Talzin had been one of the very reasons she avoided going back to Dathomir in the first place. It had been her and her sister’s pending decisions about whether she should be sent away or not because of the abilities she held. She was a danger to many…not that she would ever harm anyone if she couldn’t help it. But her abilities were far behind what any Night Sister would seem “normal.” She slowly removed her hood as she looked at the Jedi with her vibrant blue eyes. She was unique out of the sisters, one for he very to have raven black hair. She looked at the Jedi, being careful not provoke the one before her. She could sense the deep confusion and even anger of the Jedi underneath. Confusion about things he had been taught and what was right. And anger at something she couldn’t quite pin point. She crossed her arms for a moment. “What brings you out this far, Jedi? Not many Jedi or even Separatist troops would dare come out to these parts.” It was true, the place before them was in ruins. Ruins from an older civilization that lived long ago. 


            anakin’s hand instinctively reached for the hilt of his lightsaber before drawing his own hand back on second thought. jedi were supposed to be peacekeepers, although that philosphy seemed questionable at best in times like these. and he supposed it would be ideal to have her cooperate willingly. “i’m as dauntless as they come,” he answered, an edge of sarcasm to his tone as he lowered his hood. “you’re far from home yourself.” he pointed out, crossing his arms over his chest. “after what happened to your planet, i’m sure mother talzin would love to know you’re still out there.”