
Chapter glitch on A Major Surprise, lost everything in the one I was working on, gimme a sec to cry dramatically and I'll try again (it was at least 6 pages long (for me, that's a lot...) I have half an hour to do an hours worth of work) wish me luck... Btw ily u guys :) <3


howdy :D thank u for the follow, and love ur background pic!


@Julia_Buny oops... sorry for the paragraph of a reply :)


@Julia_Buny hi, thanks I love your gbomb fanfic, I'm up to the bit where h has to go find graser, I'm crying, which is a good thing because I love any stories that make me cry :D :)


Chapter glitch on A Major Surprise, lost everything in the one I was working on, gimme a sec to cry dramatically and I'll try again (it was at least 6 pages long (for me, that's a lot...) I have half an hour to do an hours worth of work) wish me luck... Btw ily u guys :) <3


Hey! So I'm thinking of adding a new part to "A Major Switch" Only one prob! I don't have any ideas! So help me out with some ideas here guys! lol. 
          I just wanna say thank you so much guys you people inspire me and help me to continue to write my totally insane stories and then consider the possible humiliation of posting a terrible story so thank you so much and I hope to have a new part or brand new story very soon
          ........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'…')
          ..........''...\.......... _.·´   
          BROFIST ......…..