
hello everyone! 
          	how are you guys doing? i’m sorry i’ve been MIA for like more than a year. i’ve been dealing with important things here and there and it just kept piling up and so thats why i haven’t had the chance to post anything. i’ve got a few thing to address though. 
          	1. unfortunately, i will be putting AA on hold. i don’t know if i’m going to continue it yet. but if i do decide to redo it, updates will take longer than usual as i might change some chapters. if i decide not to continue, i’ll be leaving AA on my profile for you guys to continue the story by using your imagination hahaha
          	2. good news: i’ll be continuing my one shots. the next update won’t be soon but i will be updating once in a while. hopefully i find time to write.
          	that’s pretty much all haha, i feel like i’m so behind with shiz on here. i don’t even know if people still use this app?? anyway, i hope you all have a great day. say hello in the comments haha bye bye


aaaahhhh you’re back! imy 


@beadelmarag hi author!i hope you will consider your "READERS" para po ituloy ko yung AA...dami po kaming naghihintay for update and for you to finish the story.PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE author...God bless.


hello everyone! 
          how are you guys doing? i’m sorry i’ve been MIA for like more than a year. i’ve been dealing with important things here and there and it just kept piling up and so thats why i haven’t had the chance to post anything. i’ve got a few thing to address though. 
          1. unfortunately, i will be putting AA on hold. i don’t know if i’m going to continue it yet. but if i do decide to redo it, updates will take longer than usual as i might change some chapters. if i decide not to continue, i’ll be leaving AA on my profile for you guys to continue the story by using your imagination hahaha
          2. good news: i’ll be continuing my one shots. the next update won’t be soon but i will be updating once in a while. hopefully i find time to write.
          that’s pretty much all haha, i feel like i’m so behind with shiz on here. i don’t even know if people still use this app?? anyway, i hope you all have a great day. say hello in the comments haha bye bye


aaaahhhh you’re back! imy 


@beadelmarag hi author!i hope you will consider your "READERS" para po ituloy ko yung AA...dami po kaming naghihintay for update and for you to finish the story.PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE author...God bless.