
Hey folks, quick heads up for those eagerly awaiting updates on my fics: things are a bit up in the air right now. Real life's keeping me busy, plus my computer's on the fritz, making writing a bit of a hassle. Editing on my phone isn't exactly a walk in the park either – it's slow and prone to typos, not exactly ideal for fic writing, you know? My plan B is to borrow my mom's laptop, but she's swamped with work at the moment. She's a college teacher, so between exams, grading, and prepping lessons, her laptop's pretty much glued to her. But don't sweat it, I'll find a way to make it work! It might take a bit longer to churn out chapters without regular access to her laptop, but I'm already halfway through most of them. Just need to polish 'em up before hitting publish. Rest assured, I'm not bailing on any of my fics – hate it when that happens to me too. So yeah, updates might be a tad delayed sans laptop, but I appreciate your patience! Can you hang tight for me?


Hey folks, quick heads up for those eagerly awaiting updates on my fics: things are a bit up in the air right now. Real life's keeping me busy, plus my computer's on the fritz, making writing a bit of a hassle. Editing on my phone isn't exactly a walk in the park either – it's slow and prone to typos, not exactly ideal for fic writing, you know? My plan B is to borrow my mom's laptop, but she's swamped with work at the moment. She's a college teacher, so between exams, grading, and prepping lessons, her laptop's pretty much glued to her. But don't sweat it, I'll find a way to make it work! It might take a bit longer to churn out chapters without regular access to her laptop, but I'm already halfway through most of them. Just need to polish 'em up before hitting publish. Rest assured, I'm not bailing on any of my fics – hate it when that happens to me too. So yeah, updates might be a tad delayed sans laptop, but I appreciate your patience! Can you hang tight for me?


Hey everyone! Just wanted to share that I've recently written a new Twilight fanfic called 'Twilight Reborn: Chronicles of the Silent Observer.' It's not a typical OC fic; more like a displacement or transmigration story. Would love to hear what you think about it! As for my TVD fic, it's in the works, but I'll need to do some serious proofreading and maybe even some rewriting. Wish me luck on that! Have a great day, everyone!


@bby178 I love it so far I think you should definitely continue


Hey everyone!!! So, I'm hitting a major writer's block with my TVD fanfic, "When Life Mirrors Fiction", right now, so I figured, why not switch gears and dive into another vampire fic: Twilight. But hey, I'm also juggling my Descendants fic and another TVD fic on the side. Right now, though, I'm all about my Twilight fic. Anyway, keep an eye out for a new story dropping any day now and updates for my other fics. Hopefully, I'll get some fresh ideas flowing for my TVD fic: "When Life Mirrors Fiction". If you've got any inspiration to spare, hit me up with a message, okay?


Hey guys!!! I guess I'm halfway done with my TVD fanfic. Or I think I am? Anyway, I'm just saying to expect an update soon. However, for the Decendants fanfic, you have to wait for a bit longer. I haven't even started yet the next chapter yet. Sorry!
          Have a nice day everyone!!!


Hey guys!!! Happy new year!!! I’m here to announce another disappointment of not updating the fics yet. I apologize but IRL comes first. I said that I was finishing up my next chapter but I don’t have my pc rn. I don’t do phone typing though. Too much typos. Anyway, enjoy ur holidays and the new year!!!


Hi guys! I know you're waiting for an update but after getting well from my sickness, life caught up to me. I have to finish them first before I can get to writing again. Honestly, I already have the next chapter here half-finish. Still need to finish it, though. I'm also procrastinating. Got the idea in my head how to finish it, now I just need to put it into words. Just give me time and I'll update "When Life Mirrors Fiction" soon.
