
taking things really slow on my story.


this message may be offensive
its national rape day, today we acknowledge the people who got rape. for anyone who got rape i hope you feel much better, and you have become a better person after having a bad tragedy,  that might've make you had a scared for your life. im so proud for anyone who have been a strong person from their incident <3


ok, so the book im working on, might take a long time for me to make the chapters, so it'll take a pretty much like a few days or months (it will be done until the end of may i think) until the book has been completed.


          I haven't thanked you yet, how mean of me):
          Since you are following me I welcome you to my account<3
          I'm glad that you decided to look into my stories/profile and that you found me at all :D
          unless you are one of my friends who just follow me randomly and stalk me>< XD then welcome xD
          But if you are new^^
          I'm very happy and I hope you have fun reading><
          If you are one of my friends have fun stalking/reading xD
          *hugs you* Have a nice morning/afternoon/evening/night >< whatever
          Bye Bye
          Don't dream so much about Smut ×D
          Lg: your cheesecake_hanjisung


im so so so so so so sorry for not updating any of my books. its since im too busy with school lately and i got like no motivation to the books, i am working on my current book (which is coming out soon) so stay soon so you can read the book. once again, im sorry for not like updating any of my books. the last convos i had on here was august 10. pls idk what happened to my convos.


Uhmmmm I don't know Why I deleted that message I made yesterday, but ignorance will be on hold until I found motivation to do it! I'm so sorry if you enjoyed that book and that I won't be doing it anymore.
          I am on my way to make my new book!! I think I will be able to finish it; but if I don't, then I will have no choice but put it on hold, since nowadays I don't have motivation to do anything.
          Once again, I'm sorry if I had to hold on ignorance, I got too lazy to finish the book, so sorry about it, I will see if I have time to finish the book I'm currently working on, or just keep it on hold. If I do find motivation to finish the ignorance one, then it won't be on hold, but due to the lack of my motivation, it's on hold.