
Note: removed my one shots as well as demons (spideypool) what should still be left is spideypool, it (spideypool), tags, and the reason why I left wattpad
          	This is not me coming back, I just wanted to remove those stories. Sorry for no longer orphaning them if you enjoyed them.


Note: removed my one shots as well as demons (spideypool) what should still be left is spideypool, it (spideypool), tags, and the reason why I left wattpad
          This is not me coming back, I just wanted to remove those stories. Sorry for no longer orphaning them if you enjoyed them.


I had been checking wattpad more often as I got a really sweet comment a while ago and was honestly departing on coming back, and getting into writing again. Unfortunately that has been ruined by multiple people asking for smut


So I’m posting this here because it’s not to a point where I need to make a comment about it in my stories but it’s starting to get to me:
          Please stop commenting asking, or hoping for smut in anything that I write. As some one who is asexual who when just talking about sex leans towards neutral with close friends, and repulsed with everyone else, it’s been making me a sick to my stomach. 
          It’s been making me feel like people’s expectations for fanfics are that they have smut and sex in them, but I have never tagged my works as such (at least to my knowledge), I have never alluded that there would be smut in my fanfics. And it’s really heart breaking as some one who is ace to have that pressure put on you. My spideypool fanfic had a sequel which I removed because people got mad at me for making Peter ace, and he had always been ace in my head, both my version(s) and canon version, and getting comments saying that wade “wouldn’t be in a relationship with some one who’s ace” acting like sex is the only thing that makes a relationship was horrible to read, and why I removed the story.
          I have alluded to characters having sex (at least one of my one shots was based off of the ‘is was doing things’ ‘I’m things’ meme), I have written short horror story about a sex act, and I had planned on writing a body horror smut one shot for the horror of it.
          There’s a major difference in people expecting fanfics (or any writing) to have smut, and just writing smut/smut adjacent thing for fun because of an idea. I’m no longer trying to figure out how to write the body horror smut one shot I was planning on because it feels expected from people now.
          If I continue to receive comments asking/hoping/pleading for smut I’m going to have start posting comments and authors notes saying I’m ace and smut isn’t happening,a new he all know how well the spelling warnings work.


@TonysPointBreak yup! Haha thanks, I’m glad to attempt to provide the representation.


@bat_rayy damnn really? That's so cool


@TonysPointBreak it’s still very much a ‘canon’ thing in my fanfics so although I’ve removed the one where I have Peter come out as ace he’s still ace


Just a friendly reminder to double check that your basements aren’t flooded. Because mine was :/


@bat_rayy oop at least your city can cover the costs ig. goddam those tree roots man


@IMarriedSatanThatsY basically if it floods again then I need to get aa plumber to use a camera in the plumbing to see what’s going on, and going through a plumber it costs money, but going through the city it’s free (free as in paid by taxes)


@bat_rayy oh no :( thats not good. Why do you have to call your city? Is the tree not on your property? Damn man well I hope the tree starts behaving itself, otherwise its gonna need a talking to hahahah


I’ve been really wanting to get back into writing again, university has taken up basically my every moment since last year because I took summer courses, but since the semester is coming to an end shortly, and I’m not taking any summer classes, I was thinking about starting a new one shot book and I wanted to know if you guys had any ships, prompts, fandoms, what ever you wanted to to do a one shot on? Or even just inspiration in general? Like for example  Ive been watching on tiktok emptyjunior content a lot and I’ve gotten some inspiration from their skits.
          P.s. eventually I’ll finish demons but like my plan for it is heavy and I need alot more free time to finish it.


I should also note that I am VERY behind in a lot of fandom stuff because of school so no spoilers for anything that’s come out 2020-2022 please!!!!!