
Hello everyone, I know I’ve been slow on posting and I am extremely sorry. I start school soon but the doesn’t excuse the fact that I’ve been absent all  summer. I am currently working on another part of Pistols & Pearls. It should be released by Saturday, I apologize for the wait.


sorry I meant Pearls and Pistols 


Hello everyone, I know I’ve been slow on posting and I am extremely sorry. I start school soon but the doesn’t excuse the fact that I’ve been absent all  summer. I am currently working on another part of Pistols & Pearls. It should be released by Saturday, I apologize for the wait.


sorry I meant Pearls and Pistols 


I would also like to make an announcement about mental health as I myself have been struggling with my mental health a lot. For those of you that may use reading as and escape please never feel afraid to dm me at any cost I never ever want people to go through hard times alone. You don’t even have to ask just send the message and I will reply as fast as possible. We are all friends here so let’s help each other out.


Hello☺️, for all of you that have NOT come from tiktok I just made an announcement saying how I will NOT be continuing writing books. Due to the fact that not many of you are enjoying them. So I will only be releasing oneshots from this point on☺️