
Hey guys, the prologue of Feral is out! 
          	Feral is a spinoff to my first book, Their Marred Boy though you don’t have to read it to understand this one.
          	I hope you enjoy it! 


@ceyjes I'm really excited about it!!!! Let's gooo!!!


Just finished "The Married Boy"...damn never have I ever cried this much for anything else in my life (till not that is)...this goddamn story kept me up for nights, made me cry on my happiest days...damn...I love it bro...anyways I'm never gonna stop saying how AWESOME this book is so I'm just gonna end it right here lol....I hope u are doing well, much love 


Hello author. I wanted to let you know how much I'm enjoying your work, TMB. Reading TMB is such an emotional rollercoaster; I can't stop the tears from streaming down my face (ykyk story is actually good tho). Best wishes! Carry on as you are! :')) <3


I was thinking of writing bonus chapters for TMB but because I have it an open ending, I’m not sure how that will work out. Though I am willing to write about prompts you guys come up with, so if you have any ideas let me know! 


p.s. if is possible we get to read special chapters of TMB? :')), take your time, we'll be waiting if that happens hehehe


I’m so happy to hear that!! Thank you so much for letting me know, it makes me so proud of myself lol. I hope you enjoy Feral just as much! 


TMB! It was really good actually! Idk, I don't think it was finished before so that's probably why I didn't finish reading it before. But now that I have, I'm just gonna say it was, again, really good! I think it was good to leave it where it ended, with them meeting him there to catch up(and possibly get back together) and I honestly don't blame him for leaving and growing(mentally and physically) on his own for a while before actually having them there. I think I'dve done the same. Anyway, looking forward to seeing how Vincent and Nines story turns out, though since it's only got two chapters out rn I'm gonna wait a while before I give it a go! For your work so far tho, great job auth!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️5 rounds of applause!!!!!^v^


Thank you so much! I’m so glad you’ve enjoyed Their Marred Boy and I hope Feral will be an even better read for you! 


Loving your book Fereal !


@ceyjes yes, i have read their marred boy. I think I didn’t get to read the last few chapters tho. 


Thank you! I’m so glad you’re enjoying it, have you read Their Marred Boy? 


Hi dear author. I've been enjoying reading your story Their Marred Boy and how the story is turning up. I'm always patiently awaiting for your updates and hoping Harper will have his really happy ending, and those guys to learn a really hard lesson before being accepted back and also for harper to heal even though slowly but for sure he will heal. Thank you dear author!!!☺☺☺


With how much I enjoy reading Their Marred Boy. I'm sure will also be enjoying your future books. Thank u for creating this story dear author ❤


Hi! I’m so glad you’re enjoying the story. I hope you’ll enjoy my future books just as much. Thank you so much for your support it truly means a lot to me.