
Ch. 20 of Soulmates is posted :)


Great job as always!!! ✨✨✨


Hi there samanthadragonetti,
          I've seen your work “Soulmates From Below ~AlastorxReader~ ”. I really like it. I become your fans now. Do you mind to share your email and social media? I want to getting to know you better. I would follow your account.


@blackrobot121 my social media is in my bio lol. 


Guys I think Wattpad took my Husk x Reader down because of the smut. Sucks. BUT I also post my stories on AO3 (Archive of our own). So if you wanna keep updated with that, feel free to check for updates there :>


@RandomChick32 Thank you, I'll be sure to follow you there as well (^-^)


@RandomChick32 Thank you, I'll be sure to follow you there as well (^-^)


@Sharkarella yes my username is mselena3001. The story titles are the same.


Hey I just wanted to give a little update/info.
          I apologize for being slow on updating. I was supposed to publish chapter 3 of OHDH on Monday and it is now Wednesday. I've been really busy with trying to finish up school work now that everything has been pushed online, as well as just trying to focus on myself more. I never had time for self care in the past so I've been really trying to work on that. I still intend to publish chapter 3 soon (I've already started working on it), but I just wanted to say a few things:
          When I started writing, I never expected a lot of people to read my work. Now I get tons of notifications everyday and I really appreciate it. It truly does make me happy; however, like most, I write because I enjoy it. I do it at my leisure and when I'm inspired to do so. I don't update often because of that. If I don't feel inspired, then I'm not going to enjoy writing. I don't want it to become a chore. 
          I really appreciate the constant love, support, and patience I recieve from my audience. Just know I want to give you all the best quality I can, and that's why it takes so long. I don't want anything to seem rushed or neglected. 
          Thankyou to those who have stuck around and are understanding. Hope you all are safe and doing well.
          And as always, stay tuned~<3


@RandomChick32 take you time you jave life outside of here going let you ono your only human thank you for making this book know that were here for you take care my friend.


@RandomChick32 Take all the time you need, I know I'm willing to wait for something good :)


Yall I got my first tattoo and my medcard. Life is good  Also chapter 3 for OHDH will be out Monday <3 


@Underfellsinner69 ya I know I'm sorry. Some things came up I'll try and have it out by tonight


Sorry I haven't updated anything! I've been taking a break from Wattpad but I'll begin again within the next week. Today was my birthday and it was so relaxing. I'm 18 now! :) Thankyou all for your love, support, and reading my stories! I hope you all are doing well <3 Stay safe, and stay tuned~


@mugboi13 @27hartk Thankyou!! ( ̄▽ ̄) <3


Happy birthday!