
Its me yo girl Hailey I'm bored as hell
          	Go check out my book love is complicated


Hey, you might not know me but I just read finished your yoonmin book (Cigarette) and I really loved it. So I hope you keep continuing to write your amazing stories (it doesn't have to be BTS related of course ) good luck


@Suzuki_2008 thank you, so much! im starting to write a new one based on my relationship. I hope you enjoy that one if you decide to give it a read! 


Please spare a time, check my new book called MINE. Its a collab of me and my fam tho. Yandare-psycho based. And its jungkook story tho. Not boy x boy ;-; so yeah.. Check it out.. ;-; puhlees.. You'll get blessed by RapNun and Father Suga and Jisoos and Vernun and Priest Jimen, and all other holy characters in this crazy ass kpop world. Im also screaming like jimin every single day. Jungkook is just so illegal tho.


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I have no INTERNET AND THAT FUCKING SUCKS AND I'M USING DATA AND I'M GOING OVER THE PLAN. It's so cringy to read my old and new works because like, why did I even write this in the first place? It fucking sucks, like really? The fuck?