
My schedule have been crazy lately that I forgot to post the new chapter for HTLAAM last week  Since I'll be away next Friday, decided to make it a double update today... Next update will be next week Friday 


Next update for FWF would be the last and final chapter... I can't believe that it's finally over... But as much as I would like to start posting a new story... I haven't got as far as I would have liked with the new one... I have a feeling I'll need a few more months before I'm comfortable posting weekly... The story is still too rough right now :(


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Since I've finished writing FWF... I've decided to write a werewolf story next... I have two ideas... One is about the pack slut and another is about a she wolf who found her mate but her mate doesn't seem to recognize the bond they shared... I'm only in chapter 10 for the pack slut story right now... While they are loosely connected and happened at about the same time I'm feeling like maybe I should have wrote the clueless mate story first 


I just wanted to thank you baby, for adding 'Kurse'to your reading list, although it's not my best, I also encourage you to read 'I promise' a spend off ; Promise that you might love that one more than the original. Anyway it goes thanks for the support ❤️


@Taveyy16 I also want to add that I will support you also