
i cannot believe i have been on Wattpad for 10 years now. i need to do a serious deep cleaning of my library right now because i have almost 400 stories just sitting there lol. forever love this app and the people here!
          	<3 genie


I was reading a book recently and I saw some comments that were so ignorant and disrespectful. This app is about so many different things but treating people with anything other than kindness is not one of them. This app is here to bring people together, to help writers, to give content to those who don’t write but instead read. It is upsetting to see people hate on others when in reality we should be coming together and showing kindness. I’ve been a member of this app for over 7 years now. I have seen so many changes and updates to make this app a better place for its users, but it is devastating to see people come on here and disrespect what this app has provided us with. In all those 7 years and hundreds of books I have read, I have never witnessed a person treat others in such a horrible way until today. It is utterly shocking and disappointing. 
          I love Wattpad, and will continue to support them and their authors forever. 
          <3 genie


@liampaynesgf21 tnx for the advice on the major.. i can be considered slightly schizophrenic due to my habit to drift off into my own dreamworld and scenarios.which happens to be my inspiration for story lines. As for psychology, i spend a good time reading about it as it helps in making imaginative characters with different and realistic characteristics and seeing things from a different light. which is why i want to pursue a major in cj as i find it interesting. have a lovely day too..


Awe thank you so much! my criminal justice major is actually in homeland security/ terrorism. i have another major but it’s in a different field. i recommend studying something within the criminal justice majors!! there are so many different opportunities, including psychology, criminalistics, and so many more. i haven’t ever considered writing a story of my own, i genuinely wouldn’t know where to start. i find it’s easiest to write about the things you can relate to rather than things you can’t. i always try to be as genuine as possible, as we really don’t know what anyone else is going through in life, so we should choose to treat people with kindness. hope you have a lovey day <3


@liampaynesgf21  I think i just came back from the comment you are talking sounded like a really cool person. i genuinely appreciated the way  you talked to the person.. its one of my dreams to criminal justice major.. its super cool you get to contribute to the society that know, im an Indian student learning Korean, and in there we use a term called moshiso to signify coolness and eonnie as a term for sister, doesnt matter if not by blood.. you are  both words sure you would write  a great story if you choose do that one day..


hi I really appreciate you taking two seconds to read this.. I was wondering if you could check out my newest fanfic called Scream :) I would really appreciate you checking it out and leaving a vote or a comment, just some love if you want too. And if you enjoy it please stick around I post at least 3 times a week :) anyway, I hope you have an amazing day/night and I will return the favour if you have any work you want me to look at <3 
          Big love.


Hello love x I'm sorry to be a bother but I was wondering if you could please have a look at my books "I'm Not Good For You" and "Click, Click" and give me some feedback on them, whichever you prefer, it would mean a whole bunch to me. Thank you so much x