Hey besties,

First of all: Dont worry, Death Note isn't my suicide letter😂
Its a book where I write down my thoughts/words and then build *usually* a poem from that.

I'm just a teenager who escapes their emotions through pouring it down as poems/paras. Im gonna post quotes, lyrics, in my feels paras and my original poems here, some of them have ⚠️MASSIVE TRIGGER WARNINGS⚠️ I'll mention what kind, so read/do not read according to that

I'm not professional & no where near perfect, please excuse the errors and mistakes :) I hope my words speak to you and i hope you relate & enjoy the work I've put my hard work and dedication into :))

I hope you guys like it☺️
and if you did show some love by following this account and Vote, Share and do Comment, I'll definitely acknowledge the criticism and appreciate the appreciation :D

Your support means a lot to me and encourages me to write more & more
Your feedback is valuable to me, and I'll work harder and try to improve the quality of my work.

"I write down the words, my lips failed to utter, i write the pain, my heart cannot bear. I write down my soul, my emotions. I write me"

Happy reading !!
with love- kash.
  • انضمMarch 30, 2020


الرسالة الأخيرة
babeineedcoffee babeineedcoffee Apr 23, 2020 02:54PM
Anyy topicss so that I could write a poem onn??
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