
i’m also finishing up Atlantis and The last goodbye ! 


hi ! yay i’m finally back haha?? i published the first part of a short story imma write, but i’m sorry if i don’t update often because my schedule is pretty busy ! and i will probably be updating atlantis soon :) sorry for the unannounced hiatus ahah 


<3 This is an Amazing Author Award! <3
          Your writings are incredible, and they light up every dashboard they land on!
          Thank you so much for sharing your works! Know that there is someone who adores you and your writing from shadow!
          Send this to 10 other amazing author friends <3


hi guys, im really sorry i haven’t been updating much. i will update later today so stay tuned !! do be mindful that i am also balancing sch (:/) with this and other commitments too. but ill try my best !! come back later (ง'̀-'́)ง


hi guys ! if you have any feedback please please please let me know!! you can dm me or post it here ! constructive criticism is really appreciated:) thanks guys :^ and if you have read my story thanks a lot too :) lmk your opinions on it !!