
Mwahahaha guess who’s back >:3 the most unreliable author *ever* I kinda wanna get back into writing so hopefully I can post some new things! Not sure if I’ll continue the witcher one shots, if there’s a lot of interest I’ll try but I may have a few new things planned!! 


Mwahahaha guess who’s back >:3 the most unreliable author *ever* I kinda wanna get back into writing so hopefully I can post some new things! Not sure if I’ll continue the witcher one shots, if there’s a lot of interest I’ll try but I may have a few new things planned!! 


Hi guys, sorry for the post delays I’ve been very busy with uni. However, I’ve noticed that I’ve been receiving a few comments that are unnecessarily rude. I’ll address this with my next update, but simply: if you leave rude messages, I’m probably going to delete them and may even block you. I don’t mind critiques, but I don’t appreciate criticism that demeans my work, as well as the time, effort, and research I put into my writing. I draw from multiple sources, primarily the games and Netflix. I fact check with official wiki and lore pages. I try to be as inclusive as possible for the entertainment of all readers. If you don’t like my stories, or if you’re so hung up on the smallest freaking details, please save yourself the trouble of commenting and just exit my book. I’m not interested in comments like “you seriously think xyz?” “Don’t you know better? It’s this and that.” Like get the pick me energy out of my comments LMAO. Sorry for the rant, but I’m seriously tired of having to explain myself, defend my work, or waste time on people who are just being rude : )


Hey everyone! I’ve been working on a few updates, they aren’t where I want them yet so, sorry it’s taking me longer than expected to post. I had to return early to work from my break so it’s taking up a bit of my time as well. Thank you for your patience (^-^)


Happy New Years, everyone!! I hope 2022 shows you all a good time ^-^
          Also, I was going to update before now but I rewrote a chapter 3 times and got frustrated on the fourth so.. new update soon but not tonight, sorry! I’m excited for the Build A Oneshot tho, it closes tonight so vote if you haven’t already!! <3


@aymossy  I've missed you so much


@moony_and_the_sun happy new year, Moony!! Let me come to IG soon ahaha ❤️❤️❤️


@aymossy MOSS!! OH MY GOD HAPPY NEW YEAR❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Sorry for all the notifs if y’all get those when I update chapters, I mostly edited all of the (A/N) at the end of my chapters and deleted a few useless chapters to clean things up. It’s also possible that I accidentally deleted some real chapters but I’m not sure bc there are too many to keep up with hahaha. Hopefully I can get a new chap out soon <3


I’m back (as of now) bicches, hope you missed me as much as I missed you!! No empty promises from me tonight, I’ve made two updates to the witcher oneshot collection : ) 
          Anyone interested in fallout 4? They’ve been on my mind lately, potential oneshots maybe? We’ll see uwu
          Or perhaps I’ll finally follow thru with an original story…maybe… I have ideas…


@moony_and_the_sun hello my love, apologies for my disappearance hope we can chat soon xoxo 


@aymossy i know I'll enjoy it, you have an amazing talent I'm looking forward to reading new stuff from you ❤️


Please write a Geralt x female half-elf reader. Mom was an elf and dad was human, and they both taught her everything they knew and that includes magic that doesn't affect her negatively and both languages.
          Soulmate AU, you both have marks and after meeting each other you're stronger and your senses are sharper.
          The reader has a white wolf with golden eyes mark (the shape resembles Geralt's Witcher wolf pendant) on her right wrist below her palm. His mark for her would be on his chest in the middle, and would be a black sun with a crescent moon in the sun. The reader has dark skin and natural mid-back white hair, because of this the near by village calls Geralt to kill her, even though she lives far away and on her own in the woods. But instead Geralt makes a deal with her. She has to cut her hair short (the hair remains would be given to the village chief for payment), pretend to be a boy (luckily her breasts are easy to hide), pretend she can't talk in front of others or talk as little as possible, wear a mask that covers the bottom half of her face and if they ask the story is that she has an unsightly scar (she'd use illusion magic if they'd want to see and they'd vomit at the sight), and travel with him. Her ears are luckily not noticeably pointy and are more human like than elf. They burn her house down after she packs up for the trip, he collects the payment, and they leave the area. He then teaches her the Witcher ways, making it more believable to pretending to be one. She would occasionally teach him things that he doesn't know or got wrong. That would be a rare occurrence, and so she'd be smug and happy, while he broods in slight annoyance but deep down he's smiling and happy.
          Thanks for reading and you can give me a shout out if you want.


Hey guys!! Good news~ I have time to write, so I’m hoping to get a few updates out on some of my books! I’ve been doing some practicing with a new walking dead fic that I haven’t posted (not sure if I will) but I also have a few new ideas for the Witcher oneshot series, so keep an eye out!! If you’ve made a request that I still haven’t got to: 1) I’m terribly sorry, school was quite demanding and I barely had time to open the app. 2) you may need to send me the request again, I have a few in my messages but if you made comments I’ll probably need those messages to me! 3) I’ll try to get the requests finished up as quickly as possible (but I’ll make no promises ahaha) 
          Anyways, hope to see you soon in my new chapters~ ❤️


@Wang_MoonYang hehe I’ll do my best ;) ❤️


Bless me my queen ♥️


@aymossy always dear, I'm looking forward to your new chapters❤️


I know... I’ve literally be gone so long... BUT I made a tiktok O.O it’s kind of stupid but you could.. ya know... check it out or whatever if you want ;) 
          @ aymossy on tiktok babes


@aymossy ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


@Jane_ReipanHeb thanks love, you’re the sweetest! ❤️