
GUYS!!! I posted... FINALLY. It's a surfing fic and I personally think it's wayyyy better than the last one (MBBF) so check it out if u want!


Posted 5 chapters to start with but I already have a few more written :D


HOLY SH!T 100k READS!!!! you guys have no clue what your support means. It shows that anything i truly enjoy other people will enjoy as well. I still go through comments and recognize a lot of the og’s, and you make me laugh so much. I keep repeating this but i rly do want to add to my story, but i don’t have motivation… 
          I have another oc story that’s in progress but that’s not really my audience rn. I have a few other in progress fics that i don’t think will ever be finished but if you guys want them, i’ll post it!
          again, THANK YOU all sm


Not me not uploading for like a month... umm I just kinda wanna have a chat with my brains dopamine levels. Anyways thanks for sticking around sry for the inactivity (also writing a oc wlw cottage core angst story, love it here)