
          	I , author Izzy, unpublished my book "We Vs Ours" for the time of sake . 
          	As An author and a student, I have been very busy lately . 
          	I will continue the "Tangled Fates" with all my heart and try my best to upload once in a week . And along with it has been hectic to work on a multi-couple book with 12 Couples . 
          	But since my readers are being so much in love with me writing romantic books  . 
          	I am going to bring the "Veeraz" novel book , an inter-religious, Inter-country and a very interesting book with a desirable ending . Based on the film "Veer-Zaara" 
          	The characters , the plot and the twists won't be similar but definitely the tropes would be the same . 
          	This is to pay tribute and my heartfelt love to the film . 
          	I know Many of you loved the film . So I hope you all would consider me , writing a new sequence and Making it just like how we wanted ✨✨
          	Izzy loves you all , Lovies!! 
          	Take care 
          	Author Izzy 


          I , author Izzy, unpublished my book "We Vs Ours" for the time of sake . 
          As An author and a student, I have been very busy lately . 
          I will continue the "Tangled Fates" with all my heart and try my best to upload once in a week . And along with it has been hectic to work on a multi-couple book with 12 Couples . 
          But since my readers are being so much in love with me writing romantic books  . 
          I am going to bring the "Veeraz" novel book , an inter-religious, Inter-country and a very interesting book with a desirable ending . Based on the film "Veer-Zaara" 
          The characters , the plot and the twists won't be similar but definitely the tropes would be the same . 
          This is to pay tribute and my heartfelt love to the film . 
          I know Many of you loved the film . So I hope you all would consider me , writing a new sequence and Making it just like how we wanted ✨✨
          Izzy loves you all , Lovies!! 
          Take care 
          Author Izzy 


New Chapter uploaded!! 
          *Announcement* :- 
          Heyyo My lovelies , I hope you are all fine and doing great . And even if not , I genuinely believe that you all will be strong enough to deal wth life issues and never give up .
          So the say is.. I am sorry , My lovies . I really apologize to you all for not being able to upload recently since past 2 weeks . 
          I would like to inform you all that One of my closest person had been hospitalized, alongwith me.  So I couldn't make up to come here and upload any work . Also the spoilers have been paused in Instagram due to this reason only . 
          This is maybe the first time I couldn't complete my promise . But It is My definite word to you all that The Story won't be stretched for too long but yes , since I have many more for you , You have to be patient too , My love . 
          Support me . I hope you all will understand me . And Re-read the previous chapters incase you are forgetting what happened earlier . Because Now All broken ties would be knot together  ✨ 
          Stay always tuned for the new chapters . My Lovies . 
          Izzy loves you all .
          Yours , 
          Author Izzy . 
          Go read , Vote and Comment your questions and favourite parts from the chapters ..
          I just published "Chapter 23 : Rising Feelings " of my story "Tangled Fates".