
So my first draft of Villainess From the Stars has been done for a couple of months. It gets a little rough in Arc 3. Do you still want me to post what I have before rewrite edits?


Hello everyone! My original novel 'Villainess From the Stars' will be migrating here May 19th, 2023.  It's a found family cozy fantasy.
          Here's the summary: 
          The Caretakers gave Vienna Thorne two instructions : (1) Beware a violent death and (2) Don't allow others to take advantage. If these instructions are disregarded, the timeline would be destroyed. Vienna wishes to live happily this life, surrounded by a warm new family. She knows things aren't that simple - her secret could change everything on Terra, a world she once thought only existed in an otome game. The first novel in the "Starlights' Secret Chronicles".


Hello everyone! It's been a long time since I've last updated this account. It's going to be going through a re-branding shortly. My current versions of my stories will be taken down for now.
          Victorian Tale is currently going through the journey/process of being self-published for e-book, paperback, and hardcover.


Hello, my dear readers and followers. It has been a long time since we last spoke. 
          I would love to find inspiration again for A Victorian Tale and finish the 2nd edit that's currently posted however I have been 'dead in the water' so to speak with anything except for fanfiction since last I've been alive here. 
          Something I thought I'd might suggest is posting my first version of Victorian tale. Now it must be understood it was a very 'young' version of the novel. Those of you who helped me in NBR know that I learned a lot from that challenge however that was long after I had written my first manuscript of AVT. 
          What I propose is a posting of the original (I will limit edits to sentence structure, grammar, and spelling> to the best that I'm able.) Then what I'd like from my faithful readers is your thoughts. What you liked from the first compared to the 2nd rendition and vice versa. What you'd like to be included in the ultimate edition, ect.
          What do you think? Would this be something you would all like?