
I recently went to the beach. While my feet rested inside the grainy sand  I couldn't help but notice the beauty in the ocean. I guess there nothing more beautiful than the way the ocean refuses to stop kissing the shoreline, no matter how many times it is sent away.


I recently went to the beach. While my feet rested inside the grainy sand  I couldn't help but notice the beauty in the ocean. I guess there nothing more beautiful than the way the ocean refuses to stop kissing the shoreline, no matter how many times it is sent away.


Hey !! I really admire your bio, it's somthing that a lot of teen girls want to say, including me, I think you're really good in expressing feeling and that would lead you far. :) 
          I just wanted to say thanks for the follow, and I hope you would maybe check my 1D fanfic "Blind Love", it'd be such a pleasure to me. x.


Thank you so much, and yeah I guess I am just another one of those teen girls that's trying to make her way in this large, endless universe. Thanks for the follow back and I will definitely make sure to check out your 1D fanfic "Blind love".


Your bio is soo deep :D and totally amazing too! & Oooh girl, I absolutely love your reading list, hope u don't mind I added a few of the books including yours, I'm excited to read it! Oh and thankyou so much for the follow. Xx Tris


Thanks for taking the time to check out my bio! It really means a lot to me. And of course I do not mind, some of these books are just outstanding. Omg thanks for following me too:) X)