
Look who's back? Me! Though, only for a short time, and guess what?? I HAVE A NEWS FOR YOU!
          	I'm so excited to announce that The Runaway Girl is coming to Amazon this August 2nd! It'll be known in a different title — The Rescued Runaway.
          	Right now I'm open for readers who'd read my book and give me their honest review on Amazon and Goodreads. You'll get a FREE rewritten version of the The Runaway Girl, as you know the one available here is a messy first draft. 
          	If you're interested, all you need to do is, go to the link in my bio and sign up the form to be in my ARC (advance reader copy) team!
          	Don't waste your time! This is your chance to snag a FREE copy from me and leave me your review on Amazon and Goodreads! 
          	PS: Soon after the release of the book, I'll be removing The Runaway Girl from Wattpad. Sorry, not sorry 


@K-flaw You're welcome! I hope you enjoy it and that the book will be a blessing! Looking forward to your review! God bless!


@atruenarnian  its sent tnks so much


@atruenarnian tnks Ave seen it and I will be sure to send my honest review and post on good reads 
          	  Thank you very much remain blessed   



Look who's back? Me! Though, only for a short time, and guess what?? I HAVE A NEWS FOR YOU!
          I'm so excited to announce that The Runaway Girl is coming to Amazon this August 2nd! It'll be known in a different title — The Rescued Runaway.
          Right now I'm open for readers who'd read my book and give me their honest review on Amazon and Goodreads. You'll get a FREE rewritten version of the The Runaway Girl, as you know the one available here is a messy first draft. 
          If you're interested, all you need to do is, go to the link in my bio and sign up the form to be in my ARC (advance reader copy) team!
          Don't waste your time! This is your chance to snag a FREE copy from me and leave me your review on Amazon and Goodreads! 
          PS: Soon after the release of the book, I'll be removing The Runaway Girl from Wattpad. Sorry, not sorry 


@K-flaw You're welcome! I hope you enjoy it and that the book will be a blessing! Looking forward to your review! God bless!


@atruenarnian  its sent tnks so much


@atruenarnian tnks Ave seen it and I will be sure to send my honest review and post on good reads 
            Thank you very much remain blessed   


I'll be deleting The Romeo Of Her Juliet from Wattpad in two days because of what's Amazon doing to indie authors recently. Having your book that runs in Kindle Select cannot be found in any other platforms—for the sake of your book getting deleted and account threatened. So... I have no choice!
          So sorry! 
          If you're reading my book at the moment and couldn't finish it within two days' time but would REALLY love to finish it, just hit me a pm (or DM me on instagram @kjdaliathauthor for quick response) and I'll send you a PDF copy of the original book—as the one here is just the first draft.
          Thank you!


If you're someone who had read my book, The Romeo Of Her Juliet, I'd really appreciate if you could leave me your review on Amazon (if you're eligible there) and Goodreads!
          Links below ↓
          Thanks in advance!


THE ROMEO OF HER JULIET is now available on Amazon in Paperback and Ebook —and free in Kindle Unlimited!!!
          Grab your copy now! Here's the link↓

          And please, I'd really appreciate if you could leave your reviews for me on both Amazon and Goodreads once you read my book.
          But if you're already someone who's read the book, please leave me your reviews on Amazon and Goodreads! Nothing can help an author more! Thank you so much!
          PS: sorry I'm late with the announcement! The book was actually out on 13th itself, but I'm barely active here! So follow me on instagram @kjdaliathauthor to keep in touch!


@atruenarnian ur welcome, lol 


@K-flaw Hey there! I saw this only now! Thank you!!!!


Congrat here to ,I just love this book, cheers!!!


hey! I saw this Christian competition? thing that's currently being held heh, they're looking for participants and judges and I was just wondering whether you'd like to join (I've almost finished reading The Romeo of Her Juliet! why did you allow her dad to do that?!) anyway, here's the link to the competition heh :)


@clairexjeo Hey there! Haha, thanks!
            PS: sorry, I had to make her dad like that! Lol