
Hey guys,
          	There will be no updates this week as I am having my exams and my laptop has been given to service as well. I hope my readers will wait patiently for the next update. 
          	I plan to complete the 2nd arc in a single update.
          	Atlanta Falc


Can you post the missing parts of blood of Poseidon? I don't think we read the blood of Poseidon and in the end it mentions lightning thief and suddenly we are in the sea of monsters


@MortalSight The Lightning thief got deleted by mistake and I am too lazy to rewrite them. But there are no pretty much difference from the original novel. The changes have been mentioned here and there by other characters. If still there is a need I will try to write it after completing the book.


Hey guys,
          There will be no updates this week as I am having my exams and my laptop has been given to service as well. I hope my readers will wait patiently for the next update. 
          I plan to complete the 2nd arc in a single update.
          Atlanta Falc


I was wondering wut happened to ur HP/PJO fic? I wanted to reread but I couldn't find it  It was honestly one of the good ones 


@Sankarea329 it was unpublished due to some issues in the plot. But another story is undergoing in its beginning phase. I don't know when it will be up. But I promise you there will be one soon.


Hey Guys,
          I have finally republished my story, Blood of Poseidon. I am sorry for the delay in publishing. There was some major changes in scrip and synopsis. Hope you do enjoy it.
          Atlanta Falc.


Dude your story is one of the best I've seen about Percy Jackson/Harry Potter, I'm looking forward to seeing the continuation of it. Do you intend to do other Percy Jackson stories with other universes? Ex : One piece


@Ruan89708 thanks bro. I intend to continue this story. But I am sorry to say I haven't planned anything on another crossover