
no one asked but here's some movie recs idk:
          	— inglourious basterds (2009)
          	— moonlight (2016)
          	— the handmaiden (2016)
          	— jackie (2016)


go listen to sza's new album ctrl, it's amazing and has me in my feelings


@rosemother yeah i didn't know until like a couple hrs later !! and me too she's so great


@astrolete what the heck I didn't even realize it had been released already WOW I adore her tho


i was tagged by mariam ( @miserablemidas, she's such a babe go read at four a.m. !! ) to do the thirteen facts about myself thingy so here goes:
          ➠ the first and only movie i've ever seen in theatres was scott pilgrim vs the world. 
          ➠ my favourite colour is red. 
          ➠ i can't fall asleep without listening to music. 
          ➠ i'm a righty. 
          ➠ my favourite anime of all time is psycho-pass. 
          ➠ a few of my favourite numbers are
          3, 72, 81, 56, 27, 96, and 42. 
          ➠ i have a birthmark the shape of a triangle on one of my wrists.  
          ➠ my favourite greek god is dionysus because of his mother's story with zeus.
          ➠ i like mythology of all kinds (roman, greek, norse, egyptian, hindu, japanese, chinese, u name it). 
          ➠ i can't go down slides with the top half covered because i feel cornered and scared. 
          ➠ my favourite paradox is the omnipotence paradox. 
          ➠ i've been trying to learn french but i keep quitting because i have a terrible work ethic and i procrastinate all the time. 
          ➠ my sleep schedule is in shambles and i still haven't gone to bed yet even though i've been up since like 2pm yesterday??


this is so poetic wowie


@miserablemidas right, like what kind of person came up with that Death Trap for Kids™.
            and i can only say good evening lmao, why is french so hard.