
Astro Inspirations is back. I love quotes and three have come to mind. The first is by Antoine de St- Exupery... "Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away." The second by Kris Kristofferson... "Freedom's just another word for nothing else to lose." The third by James Froude... “You cannot dream yourself into a character; you must hammer and forge yourself one.”
          	The story of Michelangelo's "David" can be seen as a metaphor for what happening in the sky right now. 
          	When Michelangelo was commissioned to sculpt "David" he was not given a perfect piece of marble. He was given a piece of marble that had been chiseled by another artist into a "badly roughed out David"... then tossed aside, abandoned and neglected for 25 years.
          	The young Michelangelo wasn't pleased to be working with a secondhand piece of marble that had deteriorated during years of exposure to the elements. But, as imperfect as it was, he worked with what he'd been given. It would take him three years to chisel the badly roughed out marble block into the imposing perfection that we know and admire today.
          	Michelangelo once said, speaking about his marble sculpture of "David"... that "David" was inside the marble all the time and all he needed to do was take away the excess. Michelangelo didn’t believe he was creating something from nothing. Instead, he believed his slow, deliberate chiseling actually liberated what was already inside of the marble. He saw this figure of imposing perfection beneath the surface and considered it his responsibility as an artist to simply set him free.
          	Isn’t that what we all do in life? We chip away at our anger and sorrow... we expose our imperfections and uncover our fears. We do what Michelangelo did. We chisel away and in the process we set our own true radiant selves free.
          	I Leave you with one more quote.
          	“You are the Michelangelo of your own life and the David you are sculpting is you." ~ Joe Vitale


@MiaLotus Thanks to you also for reading...


Astro Inspirations is back. I love quotes and three have come to mind. The first is by Antoine de St- Exupery... "Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away." The second by Kris Kristofferson... "Freedom's just another word for nothing else to lose." The third by James Froude... “You cannot dream yourself into a character; you must hammer and forge yourself one.”
          The story of Michelangelo's "David" can be seen as a metaphor for what happening in the sky right now. 
          When Michelangelo was commissioned to sculpt "David" he was not given a perfect piece of marble. He was given a piece of marble that had been chiseled by another artist into a "badly roughed out David"... then tossed aside, abandoned and neglected for 25 years.
          The young Michelangelo wasn't pleased to be working with a secondhand piece of marble that had deteriorated during years of exposure to the elements. But, as imperfect as it was, he worked with what he'd been given. It would take him three years to chisel the badly roughed out marble block into the imposing perfection that we know and admire today.
          Michelangelo once said, speaking about his marble sculpture of "David"... that "David" was inside the marble all the time and all he needed to do was take away the excess. Michelangelo didn’t believe he was creating something from nothing. Instead, he believed his slow, deliberate chiseling actually liberated what was already inside of the marble. He saw this figure of imposing perfection beneath the surface and considered it his responsibility as an artist to simply set him free.
          Isn’t that what we all do in life? We chip away at our anger and sorrow... we expose our imperfections and uncover our fears. We do what Michelangelo did. We chisel away and in the process we set our own true radiant selves free.
          I Leave you with one more quote.
          “You are the Michelangelo of your own life and the David you are sculpting is you." ~ Joe Vitale


@MiaLotus Thanks to you also for reading...


Happy 2015 from AstroExaminer... a New Year... a New Book...  AstroExaminer's Daily Inspirations for 2015.
          Thank you all for your  support and kind words during 2014... 
          2014 was a long hard year, there were stumbles, backtracking, struggles, challenges and lessons to be learned. Doors may have closed, but if you take your eyes off the past... you’ll discover that  new doors have opened and a new adventures have begun.


wow...thank you for following me, i'm pleasantly surprised. :)


@astroexaminer , thank you, i will certainly have a look some time.


@seasofme Your poetry is heart lovely... and I love Haiku... and while I don't write Haiku my partner does... you might enjoy his "Haiku Blues" Facebook.. Curious... there's the "blue" again.