
this message may be offensive
okay so I'm in the restroom at work and I'm writing this because I'm a stupid dumb ass lol I went to a friends house last night and forgot my laptop there. I had the chapter on it and I'm so sorry. I will probably be uploading it tomorrow morning (if i don't have the chance to get my laptop tonight) and I will be updating double to make up for it :( I'm sorry I'm so slow and I'm very sad so double update probably tomorrow 


this message may be offensive
okay so I'm in the restroom at work and I'm writing this because I'm a stupid dumb ass lol I went to a friends house last night and forgot my laptop there. I had the chapter on it and I'm so sorry. I will probably be uploading it tomorrow morning (if i don't have the chance to get my laptop tonight) and I will be updating double to make up for it :( I'm sorry I'm so slow and I'm very sad so double update probably tomorrow 


Guys I have been slacking so much and I'm sorry. I barely had time to write this week because I have been dealing with things at work and school and home and here. I have to balance it all and I just couldnt do it this week. I have have a chapter written and I'm sure I'm going to re write it tomorrow and continue it. So I will not have a new chapter up tomorrow like I had planned because I go to work at 10ish and get off at 5  so I'll write when I get done with H/W and all that mess. I'm such a sucky person. I'm sorry the update will be up by Saturday night (I hope) 
          xoxo eve


okay so I'm going to be honest, I just realized it's 11 pm on Thursday and tomorrow is update day and I barley have 300 or so words and it makes me sad because I haven't had time to write much and tomorrow I have to work later than usual and I don't think I'll have much free time so I apologize I don't think there will be an update tomorrow and if there is, it will be kind of late. if not it will be up on Saturday! I'm such a lousy person but I will try to stay up and work on it as long as possible.
          xxx eve