
hey!! if you’re a fan of marauders: year one, i’ve decided to write it over on ao3. my user is dearhest, and its called “the stag”. hope you enjoy !!


hello hello hello
          im back ;)
          i made a few marauders playlists since i listen to music that reminds me of them so i wanted to share them with you <3
          ok so here we go ( i used a to shorten my links so they arent paragraphs; the playlist's on spotify lol)
          the marauders:
          james potter:
          sirius black:
          remus lupin:
          peter pettigrew:
          lily evans:
          hope you enjoy, my friend :)


alright everyone
          im going to be republishing chapters of The Stag because im a little unhappy with the way i wrote them and i dont think i portrayed the characters they way i intended to, so if you so a spam of chapters from me, it's just a couple editing fixes!


this message may be offensive
i have a plan to wear the weirdest shit on every dress down day of my grade 12 year
          examples include: 
          bucket hats
          cringey fake gold chains
          tie dye in every piece of clothing
          an egg costume
          a trash bag
          dress like a dad (polo shirts khaki shorts and sandals)
          suburban! mom! 
          a farmer
          a fisherman
          too many bracelets
          leG WarMeRs
          fur fur fur
          a parka. just a very large parka. 
          MEME SHIRTS
          go as a student from hogwarts (yes, robes and wand included)
          let it be known that on friday, july 28, 2017 at 1:04 this plan has been made
          that's how i want to be remembered at my school lol 
          be original and go out of your comfort zones each day, my friends