
Bonjour! Merci de lire mon livre! Et pardonnez mon français, je ne suis pas très bon à parler la langue plus.
          Did I type that correctly? Lol sorry if I didn't, French isn't my first language. Anyways, I was just dropping by to say thanks for voting and reading for my story! I really, really appreciate it :D I hope you liked it!


@ ATellingMind  (^-^) oh thannks!
            No i won't say fluent...haha
            if u want some translation in french u can consult me but u got it anyway !
            oh,and yeah i would love to ,i ll try to add ur other stories 
            i won't count for a writer it's not complete plus i m more of a reader!
            anyway thanks for ur time ! and
            Good job! 


@asmaehadda4 Glad you liked it! And wow, I never would've thought :o Are you fluent in all three languages? Nonetheless, that's amazing! I'm actually having a hard time trying to figure out that French sentence you wrote...lolol. All I can translate is "Thank you very much," and then something about being interactive with...readers? haha sorry!
            And that's up to you if you'd want to give some feedback, but I'd definitely appreciate it! I like to give others feedback as well, so if you'd like I can take a look at one of your stories.


@ ATellingMind  oh that's really nice thanks a lot !
            Merci beaucoup, ça compte d'être interactif avec ses lecteurs (^-^)
            i ll give u some more feedback if u want .Overall i really liked it!
            PS: BTW French and English are not my first languages hehe!it's  Arabic. 