
Hey guys! I don't if you've been able to tell, but I haven't posted a new chapter in a little while, which is obviously strange since I update regularly. But I'm currently on holiday in Europe right now for about 2 weeks, so I may not be able to update as regularly or at all until i'm back home. I'll try my best, but it should be good since there's a lot of driving to be done on this trip, so I think I'll be good at getting some chapters out to you guys. I just wanted to tell you that so you don't think I suddenly stopped, I would NEVER do that - promise. Anyways, lots of love, Ashtraykale. :)


Hey guys! I don't if you've been able to tell, but I haven't posted a new chapter in a little while, which is obviously strange since I update regularly. But I'm currently on holiday in Europe right now for about 2 weeks, so I may not be able to update as regularly or at all until i'm back home. I'll try my best, but it should be good since there's a lot of driving to be done on this trip, so I think I'll be good at getting some chapters out to you guys. I just wanted to tell you that so you don't think I suddenly stopped, I would NEVER do that - promise. Anyways, lots of love, Ashtraykale. :)


Hey! I'm very excited and happy to announce my new book Next Stop. If you were a reader of Against Reason, this is the anticipated spin-off/sequel of the lives of Hallie and Bridie. This book will feature both their POVs, and will dig into the triumphs, heartaches, heartbreaks, and love/romance (yes, they both find romance) they're lives take through high-school. I wanted to write a story about both sisters, but couldn't chose between which one, so I decided to create one that featured both. For further plot information go to the book thats now featured on my page. The first chapter will be published soon, and I have some exciting characters, plots, and chapters planned. And yes, you will see much content of my other characters from Against Reason! Lots of love, Ashtraykale xxx :)


Hey hey! So I did change the title of chapter 25, originally titled 'Blue Lagoon' but now changed to 'Heaven & Hell'. The plot is still the same, but I re-edited it and completely changed the sexy scene in it, because I didn't love the scene, so read it again for some extra spice! Bye lovelies! xx (Also, yes I did change the book covers, I felt in the mood to re-vamp them, so I hope you like them! x).


Hey everyone! I have zero words to how grateful and surprised I am, literally woke up this morning and this story had grown over night. Crazy! But we wanted to thank-you for this amazing support, every read, vote and comment you've added is cherished in our hearts. We love you all and are so grateful for your support! xx 
          P.S there will be a sequel to The Devil and The Angel, so don't you worry! ;) xx