
Yo should i continue my story? i really dont think its all that well because i suck at writing and i dont think anyone reads it anyway so 


I got a new shirt today that has cactus’s on it and says “don’t be a prick” I love it so much 


@Jupiter_frog aww, well im glad your back now :))


@Iwasfoundthentaken i dont actually know what was wrong with it but i got glitched out of it and whenever i tried to log back in it would glitch out again


Pushing your friends away to protect them from feeling too upset when they find out you are still suicidal<<<<


@Iwasfoundthentaken i would never want to push you away <3


@Jupiter_frog you wish you could push me away- we're stuck whether you like it or not >:(


this message may be offensive
Uhm so my queen is dead..and I made a tiny joke about it earlier because that’s how I cope with loss because I wasn’t ever taught how to react if someone dies and someone that my family was close to died and they were very sad but did joke sometimes about it so I was taught to do that as well and since I joked about the queens death my friend got mad at me and now we are in a massive argument and I just started my period today, my brother just got 2 new charges and I feel like shit so I had a very bad day and I don’t know if I should apologise to my friend or not because they didn’t even listen to my explanation about why I joked about it


@1234Goldon thank you so much (:


@Jupiter_frog I hope you're doing alright by now, like @Charlotte_da_weirdo said, everyone has different coping strategies, here in Canada our class was watching a news live stream, and let me tell you, that wasn't a serious class. If your friend can't accept the fact that's that's how you cope with an overwhelming situation, they should be the one to apologize. But then again, the joke might have made them feel uncomfortable or smth, so I guess its both of your responsibilities to apologize to each other.


@Charlotte_da_weirdo thank u :)) 
            I swear the people I barely know are the people who actually make me feel better <3