
Be happy with what you have while working for what you want... 


Does this ever happen to you? 
          You're so tired and you just wanna hit the bed. But then you start reading a book and end up spending your whole finishing it. 
          Yeah today that happened. I want to finish "your name" book( a famous anime with the same name was based on it). But only  80 pages left. Can I finish it tonight? 
          I'll update you guys tomorrow. 
          Love you guys... Good night...


Finally my exam is over so... 
          I updated my blank space... Give it a read. If you haven't read it yet give it a try. 
          Bye and good night. I am very tired today. I am up since 5 am and also the heat today. I am almost dead now. Bye.. 


Appreciating or atleast accepting where you are today is what gives you motivation to move forward... 
          So don't overwork yourself. Just work a little bit hard each day. Then each night appreciate what you have accomplished that day. Even if you haven't accomplished anything just appreciate yourself for getting through this day. 
          Bye....good night guys. Wish me luck for tomorrow's exam 


@artwomyn Thank you so much for this! Much needed words since Im also a student