
Hey guys,
          	The first chapter of 'The Dark Golden Throne' is released today. I'm trying to update this plot every Thursday though I can't really promise. I hope you'd enjoy reading the plot and try to support me throughout the journey just like you did for 'a story of trust (kb)' for, this is my first ever non fan-fiction story.
          	Here is the link of the story below. Do let me know your views about it.


Hey guys,
          The first chapter of 'The Dark Golden Throne' is released today. I'm trying to update this plot every Thursday though I can't really promise. I hope you'd enjoy reading the plot and try to support me throughout the journey just like you did for 'a story of trust (kb)' for, this is my first ever non fan-fiction story.
          Here is the link of the story below. Do let me know your views about it.


Hey guys,
          If you are interested in a historic fiction, I'm working on one, titled, 'The Dark Golden Throne.' I'd like to inform you beforehand that this updates are really slow and might take a lot of time to complete the story. I hope it is promising to enjoy reading the mysteries behind the closed palace walls.
          I'm updating the prologue today. Do let me know your views about it.
          Here is the link below


Hi all, 
          Just like I've promised,  I'm here with the next chapter of the story of trust. Today is an auspicious day of Akshaya Tritiya, and it is believed that it is on this day that the lord of wisdom, Lord Ganesh started writing the epic Mahabharata to Ved Vyasa's dictation. Let the magic of this day brighten everyone's lives.. 
          The next chapter, as I've already mentioned, is an alternate version of Brave, it is titled, UDJA RE. 
          Check it out and please share your thoughts on it. 


Hi guys.. 
          I hope you all are doing fine. 
          Don't get confused with this new username sree.
          It's just me. You can address me anyway you like, Sree or Anjali. There was an issue with the previous username and so, I had to change it. 
          Sorry for the inconvenience.. 