
Nothing like getting back into writing after a long time... while simultaneously putting off final projects for school lol


Hey! For anyone that reads my bxb short stories, I have gone through like 70-80 of them and edited them -- even added or got rid of some scenes for some to make them better! All of the ones I edited I am going to put into a new 'book' called BxB Short Stories 2.0
          So check them out if you would like! There are a lot of them so I will publish as many as I can tonight and do the rest tomorrow if I don't finish. :)


I'm bored and haven't really been able to write much lately, sooooo...... I'm gonna edit all of my bxb short stories with Hemingway Editor! Yay! Lol, I will definitely not be able to finish all 60-something stories today but I'll try to get them all edited eventually. And as I make more stories I'll put it through Hemingway before I publish. After my short stories, I'll start to edit my full stories if I feel like it lol.


I'm republishing 'A Different Kind of Love' but I didn't add anything onto it or remove anything from it. I was gonna add more so it could qualify for the 2021 Wattys buuuuut I have been stressed because of life and I just got that stress lifted off of me and there is not much time before the submissions or whatever close. So yeah. Maybe I'll try to qualify a story next year, you never know. :) Have a good day/night (whenever it is you're reading this) <3


@artsykid04 lol i feel like everyone has been busy or stress lately


New look to my account! I like it :) I made both my profile pic and the background pic ✌️✌️


@artsykid04 OoOo I love the mint green color


I wish so badly that I could write and publish. Something. ANYTHING 
          My stupid freaking mental state won't let me though and I can't pull myself out of it.


@fgfygiju And Ik this is kinda a late message to btw-


@artsykid04  Really it's fine. It's summer beak anyways so, everyone, including you, needs a break :)